
In this repository we guide the reader in installing Data Science Studio and present him a construction of a pipeline by example.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Prerequisites and Installation

Dataset used: Enron

You need to install Data Science Studio (DSS) from their site. Follow the instruction they give you and activate the free 2 weeks trial in order to run the pipeline on Spark.

You need also to install Spark and configure DSS to point on it following those instructions. DSS supports Spark versions from 1.6 to 2.0, 2.1 is in beta and I do not recommend it for this project because it simply won't work.

For running DSS type in the console the following command

./bin/dss start

And go on your browser at http://youIp:11000/, then login with your account. Default administrator password is


After you logged in, create a new project and start adding your dataset. You need to preprocess it first using this notebook in order to import it without any problems. When you are done, it is the time to create the flow. Go in the flow chart and design it as represented below


The first icon and the other that are similar are dataset. You can select the dataset and add a new recipie or visual transformation. The second icon is a filter, you need to filter the dataset that you have imported for columns[0]=="content" and columns[1] not null. The other 3 icons are all Spark-Scala code recipes, in the following orders: recipeColDrop, recipeTransformer and recipeColDrop2 Now you can execute and save your results in hdfs or in the local FS.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details