
Put that Pop!_OS rocket on your Debian-based distro's boot screen.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

🚀 Rocket Theme

Get that combusting rocket animation found in Pop!_OS installation right on your splash screen.

For Debian-based distros only!

(just because I have no idea how to code or do anything Linux. I'm weird.)

What is Plymouth?

Plymouth is a project from Fedora and now listed among the freedesktop.org's official resources providing a flicker-free graphical boot process. It relies on kernel mode setting (KMS) to set the native resolution of the display as early as possible, then provides an eye-candy splash screen leading all the way up to the login manager.

How to set it up?

Download : you can download via link below -


How to use Rocket theme?

  • For Debian (Pop!_OS, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.)-based distros:
# make sure you have the packages for plymouth
sudo apt install plymouth

# after downloading theme, copy the selected theme in plymouth theme dir
sudo cp -r rocket /usr/share/plymouth/themes/

# install the new theme
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/rocket/rocket.plymouth 100

# select the theme to apply
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
#(select the number for installed theme, rocket in this case)

# update initramfs
sudo update-initramfs -u