
You're a baseless shill

Opened this issue · 2 comments

@MentalOutlaw Shame on you, Kenney. Shame on you for being so hostile and being a baseless open source shill. Shame on you for being such a "privacy advocate" loser. You should have instead been hostile and insulting to "universities" [DUMPSTERveristies] and the disgusting and garbage so called "health" . Those 2 donkeys are the biggest evil and source of arrogance and ego and corruption in society. All those clowns boast about is that disgusting 6-letter stupid "title" which they childishly use like morons everytime they want to mention their stupid first/last names. Death to them and every loser moron who uses those disgusting words or promotes/supports them in ANY way.

Death to "universities" and death to the garbage so called "health", and every slave donkey who supports or mentions those dirty rats. And death to you open source fanboys for promoting them.

Hope ya'll have a tragic life & painful death.
And one other thing....
There is no such thing as "software" "engineering" or "social" "engineering". That is the stupidest and most pathetic lie ever. Stop being disrespectful to Engineering. You know nothing about what Engineering entails. Engineering means designing, building and producing real mechanical systems, like turbojets and vehicular engines. It has nothing to do with scriptkiddies sitting behind a keyboard and writing code. Software dev is easy and for kids. And it has absolutely nothing to do with a serious and real subject like
Engineering (Mechanical Engineering is the ONLY Engineering). Quit making false claims against engineering. And stop being disrespectful to real Engineers (Mechanical Engineering is the ONLY Engineering).

You lost you're mind, bitch?