
Boom Box Challenge

Primary LanguageC


Boombox Challenge

Project Description

Your group will use an arduino to create a boombox based on a design theme of your choosing. The physical design, controls, and music should all be consistent with your overall theme. A successful boombox will have the following capabilities and components:

  • One speaker
  • An LCD display
  • A play button
  • A theme appropriate form factor that securely contains all of the electronics
  • Easy access to the USB port or barrel jack for power

To meet expectations, your boombox should be able to play at least one song AND have one of the following additional features:

  • Plays multiple songs, using an additional button or a potentiometer to SELECT which song to play
  • Uses the LCD to display the lyrics in time with the song
  • Has an LED-based visualizer that syncs with the music
  • Can be used to manually play music with additional sensors