Postgres Mysql Benchmark Scripts

This repository contains Python scripts for programmatically creating tables for Postgres and MySQL, scripts to create fake data to load into the created tables, and scripts to benchmark queries of different complexities run on the two databases.


This project uses Python 3.8 and Pipenv to manage dependencies. From the project directory run the following to install pipenv and the Python dependencies:

pip install pipenv
pipenv install

You will also need to install MySQL and PostgreSQL. The benchmarking scripts provided were written for usage with the packages mysql and postgresql@13 provided by the package manager Homebrew and make use of homebrew CLI commands. The scripts can be easily modified to work on any operating system that provides a command line interface for starting and stopping the database softwares used.

Once you have installed the necessary software, you can run the following commands to create the testing databases and database users:

Postgres: psql -h localhost -d postgres -U postgres -f create_postgres.sql

Mysql: mysql -u root < create_mysql.sql

The above commands are included in the provided benchmarking scripts, but are useful to be aware of for debugging when making modifications.

Running the Scripts

Data Generation:

The script is used to create reecords with the library Faker:

pipenv run python3 <number of records to create>

For example, to create10,000 reecords for each database:

pipenv run python3 10000

For the script to work properly without modification


There are three bash scripts provided for benchmarking:

  • will benchmark both Postgres and MySQL
  • will benchmark only MySQL
  • will benchmark only Postgres

It's recommended to redirect output from these scripts to a text file. For example:

bash > full_benchmark_output.txt

The scripts can be easily modified as necessary for specific benchmarking tasks:

  • To use other package managers modifiy commands that use brew to use the specific package manager
  • To modify the amount of data to use for each test of the benchmark change the argument passed to wherever it appears in these scripts to the amount of records necessary for each test
  • To increase or decrease the number of benchmark tests either copy and paste a benchmarking block or remove it entirely from the bash script in use modifiyng the echo statementes to reflect the change
  • To change the number of iterations per a query for the benchmarks modify the variable iterations within and
  • To change the number of trials kept or discarded modify the assignment of the variable runtimes within and