
CLI application to provide statistical summarization of CSV data

Primary LanguageGoThe UnlicenseUnlicense


CLI tool for analyzing CSV data


To install the stats_cli package as an executable use: go install github.com/Meowcenary/stats_cli@latest After installing commands can be run with: stats_cli <command> [options]

To clone the stats_cli package use: git clone https://github.com/Meowcenarystats_benchmark.git Once cloned commands can be run from the root directory: go run main.go <command> [options]

Running the tests

To run all the tests use go test ./... from the root directory of the project. To run a single package's tests use go test ./<package name> E.g go test ./analysis

To run the benchmark use go test -bench=.. Pass the flag -count to run the benchmark repeatedly. For counts over 700 the flag -timeout will need to be passed or the benchmark will quit before finishing all runs. Here is an example of a full benchmarking command for 1000 runs:

go test -bench=. -count=1000 -timeout 20m

Using the CLI

Currently the only command available is summary which reads a csv file of decimal and integer numbers from the path provided by the argument --file. File is the only requird argument, the rest are optional.

All available arguments for stats_cli summary:

  • --file - CSV file to read data from
  • --columns - Columns to include from CSV for summary output
  • --stats - Stats to include for summary output

Example usage:

stats_cli summary --file testdata.csv --columns age,income --stats max,min,mean

Or from the project root with

go run main.go summary --file testdata.csv --columns age,income --stats max,min,mean

Benchmarking Results


Details for running the Golang benchmark can be found above. The average benchmark time over 100 runs was 0.09062145 ns.


The Python script was benchmarked using the library timeit. The average benchmark time over 100 runs was 10.194 ns.


The R script was benchmarked using a simple system time comparison. The average benchmark time over 100 runs was 73757629 ns (0.073757629 s).