~ 👋 Hello Let's begin. I'm delighted you are here!! 😄 ~

My name is Thasanee, but you can call me Meow. I am a software developer who is passionate about creating delightful experiences for users.

As a professional software engineer, I have experience contributing to the design and development of software. I particularly enjoy the front-end aspect of design, which involves creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that meet client needs.

I have excellent skills in identifying potential issues and implementing effective solutions for products. Additionally, my strong problem-solving and organizational abilities make me a valuable asset in any multidisciplinary setting.

I work well in a team atmosphere and prioritize effective communication to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

🔭 🌱 I’m currently working on a software Engineer. I can speak Thai, Loas, English and a little Spanish.

I love to learn and challenge myself.

My top used programming languages are JavaScript and TypeScript, React. FYI!!

Techinal Skills

🔧 Technologies & Tools

os shell editor code-backend code-frontend framework-backend framework-frontend-react framework-frontend-vuejs css-ant css-tailwind css-primereact css-vuetify testing-jest database-mongodb

tools-docker tools-figma

✍ Blog & Social

social-github social-youtube social-medium

A social media list

https://github.com/buildingwatsize https://www.facebook.com/chinnawat.chimdee/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/thasanee-p-686125243/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6ytzbE121tHE9tsIgp_Uw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6ytzbE121tHE9tsIgp_Uw

## 📈 GitHub Stats

Top Langs


Resources GitHub Readme Stats: https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats Emojis: https://github.com/ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet/blob/master/README.md Icons: https://simpleicons.org/ Shields: https://shields.io/ Header Generator: https://reheader.glitch.me/ Visitor Badge: https://github.com/jwenjian/visitor-badge Articles: https://betterprogramming.pub/add-your-recent-published-mediums-article-on-github-readme-9ffaf3ad1606