
Use this when you are writting a .net core application that needs a model from Go project.

Simply copy your go struct in input.txt, run main.py, you will get .net core class with JsonProperty set.

This is a not a production ready project

I just use it for my own convenience, however you can benifit from it if you are in similar situlation :)



type GoFantasticClass struct{
	FantasticId              string     `json:"fantasticId" bson:"fantasticId" form:"fantasticId"`
	Items                    []Item     `json:"items" bson:"items" form:"items"`
	IsBest                   int        `json:"isBest" bson:"isBest" form:"isBest"`
	Author                   string     `json:"author" bson:"author" form:"author"`
	Whatever                 bool       `json:"whatever" bson:"whatever" form:"whatever"`


public class GoFantasticClass
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "fantasticId")]
    public string FantasticId { get; set; }

    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "items")]
    public Item[] Items { get; set; }

    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "isBest")]
    public int IsBest { get; set; }

    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "author")]
    public string Author { get; set; }

    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "whatever")]
    public bool Whatever { get; set; }
