
Ruby on Rails Application created to store and retrieve data from this application deployed on Heroku using HTTP Request to use like backend on a React application

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby on Rails Backend for React Bookstore

Project created to save and retrieve data from a Ruby on Rails API application deployed on heroku.

Built With Ruby , Ruby on Rails

Tools used to build Aplication:

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails


  • HTTP

Getting Started

This repository save one project from micrverse main curriculum - React Coursethe API from React Bookstore to save and retrieve data from remote server.

Usefull comands to get Response from REST API to run in terminal:

$> curl -i -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000/users -d '{"name":"MephistoDevelop","email":"inesherald@gmail.com"}'

Language Requirements

Ruby 2.6.3
Rails 5.2.0


  • Rest-client


To use this project you will need to download this repository and put in on your computer. after you will need to install webpack and npm to run correctlly this project.


Clone or download the repository to your local machine and after open your terminal on the repository folder and run :

bundle install

rails db:create

rails db:migrate

rails db:seed

Database Requirements

The project runs on PSQL. For running this application you must have a default PSQL role WITH LOGIN CREATEDB

For altering or creating a PSQL role run the following commands in postgres console

  For Creating a User:
  postgres=# CREATE ROLE role_name WITH LOGIN CREATEDB;

  For Altering Existing User
  postgres=# ALTER ROLE "role_name" WITH LOGIN CREATEDB;



rails server

enter to your:   http://localhost:3000/

Rspec tests

To run rspec at terminal:



👤 Cristian Ines Hernandez A. - MephistoDevelop

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.