
load new pages without refresh using javascript

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


this is a very simple js library that load new page of website without refreshing it NOTE: this library wouldn't reduce load time because HTTP requests still send to the server to get content of the page

first of all load pageloader.js in your .html file

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <a href="#" class="nav-btn">Click Me</a>
      <main id="AppBody"></main>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/pageloader.js"></script>

after that initialize pageloader function :

<script type="text/javascript">
      pageloader(NavigationBTNClassName, // Navigation Buttons className
  AppBodyId,// The Container of app contents that will be updated
  onStartFunction,// function that load when navigation buttons clicked (for example you can append a loading spinner)
  onSuccessFunction,// function that load when page updated successfully
  onErrorFunction // function that load when there is an error while updating the page


    pageloader('nav-btn',// Navigation className
        'AppBody',// the container that going to update
  function (){ // onStart Function load when navigation buttons clicked
        alert('start Loading page')
    },function (){ // onSuccess function load when page loaded successfully
        alert('page loaded successfully')
    },function (){ // onError function load when there is an error while updating the page
        alert('load error')