- 0
Blazor WASM Switching cameras doesn't work
#21 opened by rajkishan16 - 3
GET https://localhost:5001/_content/BlazorMedia/BlazorMedia.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404
#17 opened by drma-dev - 0
What is the purpose of `OnData`? Is there a way to get each frame of the stream?
#18 opened by baltermia - 3
Typescript Error with VS 2019
#8 opened by JohnnyOpcode - 1
FEATURE REQUEST: Support multiple codecs
#12 opened by kirk-marple - 1
Only receiving 1 byte in OnData
#11 opened by kirk-marple - 6
Fail on Build
#6 opened by schorges - 4
Take Photo using VideoMedia Control
#7 opened by manthena