
FMark VS Code plugin.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FSharp markdown.

Test Status

Build Status


Overall Flowchart:

            ┌─────────────────────┐                      ┌───────────────┐
Source ───> │ Lex and Preprocessor│ ───> Token list ───> │ TOCite Parse  │ ──> Token list with identifiers ┐
            └─────────────────────┘           │          └───────────────┘                                 │
                                    │         │                                                            │
                                    │         └──────────────────────────────> Header+Footer list ────>────┤
                                    │                                                                      │
                                    │          ┌──────────────┐                                            │
                                    └────────> │ Markalc Parse│────────── Table ────────────>──────────────│
                                               └──────────────┘                                            │
                                   ┌─────────┐                            ┌─────────────┐                  │
             Final Document  <──── │ HTMLGen │ <──── ParsedObj list <──── │ Main Parser │ <────────────────┘
                                   └─────────┘                            └─────────────┘
  1. Lexer and Preprocessor
  2. TOCite: Table of Contents and Citations
  3. Markalc: Spreadsheet functionality
  4. Main Parser


A reference specification for the simple markdown that we are going to follow can be found at CommonMark.

A reference implementation of the simple markdown can be found here.

Markdown extensions (not included in standard Markdown)


Supported Constructs

These are the supported constructs in the preprocessor.

Supported Syntax Description Tested
Simple Macro {% macro name value %} Sets the Macro name equal to the string value Unit Test
Function Macro {% macro name(arg1; arg2) value %} Sets the Macro name equal to the string value with two parameters. Unit Test
Simple Evaluation {{ macro_name }} Evaluates the macro macro_name and replaces the evaluation with the evaluated body of the macro. Unit Test
Function Evaluation {{ macro_name(arg 1; arg 2) }} Evaluates the macro macro_name with the arguments arg 1 and arg 2 and replaces the evaluation with the evaluated body of the macro. Unit Test

Supported Features

These are the features that are currently supported by the preprocessor.

Feature Example Description Tested
Simple whitespace control {% macro x y %} evaluates to y and not y . Removes whitespace and newlines in macros where one wouldn't expect them to be added to the macro body. Unit Test
Shadowing of macros through {% macro x x %} {% macro y(x) {{ x }} %} with {{ y(z) }} will evaluate to z but {{ x }} outside of the macro will always evaluate to x. Macros can be shadowed by arguments of other macros. Unit Test
Nested macros {% macro x {% macro y %} %} Macro y is only defined inside macro x and cannot be seen outside of the scope of x. Unit Test
Shadowing of macros through {% macro x x %} {% macro y {% macro x z %} {{x}} %} y: {{ y }}, x: {{ x }} will evaluate to y: z, x: x Macros can be shadowed by other macros which will be used instead for evaluation. Unit Test
Evaluation of large strings {{ x(This is the first argument; This is the second argument) }} One can pass large strings as arguments to the macros. Unit Test
Escaping of characters inside argument {{ x(arg 1 with a \); arg 2 with a \;) }} One can esape all the special characters inside macros and substitutions Unit Test
Escaping macros \{% macro x y %} This will escape the whole macro and not evaluate it Unit Test
Escaping Subsitutions \{{ x }} will not evaluate the substitution but instead output it literally Unit Test
Outputting unmatched subsituttion {{ x }} -> {{ x }} if not in scope If the subsitution is not matched, it will output it as it got it Unit Test


In markdown using the preprocessor, one can then write the following:

Text before macro
{% macro Hello(arg1; arg2)
This is text inside the macro, with semicolons;
{% macro local(arg1; arg2)
This is the second macro
Now back in the first macro.
{{ local(arg1; arg2) }}
Outside both macros
Should be printed as not in scope: {{ local(arg1; arg2) }}

{{ Hello(arg1; arg2) }}

which then evaluates to

Text before macro
Outside both macros
Should be printed as not in scope: {{ local(arg1; arg2) }}

This is text inside the macro, with semicolons;
Now back in the first macro.

This is the second macro 

Spreadsheet functionality

Spreadsheet functions will evaluate in-place in a table, if they are incorrectly formatted then Markalc will leave the cell unchanged as if it were normal text inside.

To delineate an expression, start the cell with the = operator, e.g.

Calcs 39 42
=6*5+SUM{4,5} =[1,1]+3

Supported Features


Function Syntax Effect Tested
Modulo a%b a modulo b Property based, all integer inputs.
Power a^b a to the power of b Property based, all integer inputs.
Multiply a*b a times b Property based, all integer inputs.
Division a/b a divided by b Property based, all integer inputs.
Subtraction a-b a minus b Property based, all integer inputs.
Addition a+b a plus b Property based, all integer inputs.
Brackets a+(b-c) Specify order of operation. Unit tested.
Cell References [0,2] Evaluates to contents of cell specified (row 0, col 2) Unit tested
Range Cell Ref [0,0]:[2,0] Evaluates to list of cell references. Unit tested, not fully.
Keyword Cell Ref [col=2,row=0] Alternative syntax, order doens't matter. Unit tested


Supported functions:

Function name Effect Tested
SUM Adds all arguments. Unit tested.
AVG Calculates mean of all arguments. Unit tested.
MIN Returns minimum of all arguments. Unit tested.
MAX Returns maximum of all arguments. Unit tested.

Functions support Range Cell References: [0,0]:[2,0] will evaluate to [0,0],[1,0],[2,0]. This can be used with other arguments, e.g. SUM{[0,0]:[2,0],1,3+2,[0,0]}


Feature Example Workaround
Negative numbers using unary operator =-a+b Subtract number from zero in brackets e.g. =(0-a)+b
Integer operations =5+2 All calculations done in floating point.
Allow formatting around equation *=5+2* None
String operations e.g. Excel CONCAT None
Assume empty cells are zero Summing over column with empty cells Put =0 in each cell

Table of Contents

To be written up.


To be written up.


  • Write up formatting for Table of Contents and Citations
  • Math equation rendering (Mathjax)

Potential extensions

  • Diagrams (Graphviz)
  • Autoformatting
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Error/Warning/Hints highlighting