
Eye-blinking pattern recognition that runs shell scripts

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Eye-blinking pattern recognition that runs shell scripts This project was build for the ICHACK16 hackathon.

What is ProcrastEnabler

A Java desktop application where you can add eye-blinking patterns and shell scripts associated with them. Eye blinks are recorded through your webcam. It is build using OpenCV for image processing and Swing for the GUI.


  • OpenCV 3.1.0

Challenges we ran into

Finding OpenCV documentation for Java, Issues with OpenCV on MacOS

Accomplishments we are proud of

Eye tracking and managing to handle the API


We used a haarcascade xml for eye detection from: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/tree/master/data/haarcascades

What's next

  • Extension to generate shell scripts through buttons of commonly used operations(e.g. open a certain website on a new window)
  • Camera blink can be fixed and closed eye calibration should be made easier to use(may need 3-4 attempts to detect closed eyes - it informs user though)
  • Better analysis of user input by adding functionalities to the PatternParser class.


  • Needs a light-rich room to work properly
  • If you are a windows user the bash scripts won't work, but you can add your own
