Eye-blinking pattern recognition that runs shell scripts This project was build for the ICHACK16 hackathon.
A Java desktop application where you can add eye-blinking patterns and shell scripts associated with them. Eye blinks are recorded through your webcam. It is build using OpenCV for image processing and Swing for the GUI.
- OpenCV 3.1.0
Finding OpenCV documentation for Java, Issues with OpenCV on MacOS
Eye tracking and managing to handle the API
We used a haarcascade xml for eye detection from: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/tree/master/data/haarcascades
- Extension to generate shell scripts through buttons of commonly used operations(e.g. open a certain website on a new window)
- Camera blink can be fixed and closed eye calibration should be made easier to use(may need 3-4 attempts to detect closed eyes - it informs user though)
- Better analysis of user input by adding functionalities to the PatternParser class.
- Needs a light-rich room to work properly
- If you are a windows user the bash scripts won't work, but you can add your own
- Han Thi Nguyen
- Panayiotis Panayiotou
- Rishabh Jain (rishabh.jain15@imperial.ac.uk)
- Mihai Vanea