
This README contains pricing information for all the CI providers compared by the benchmarks.

To easily calculate the price it would cost you to use a runner for a specified number of minutes, you can go to


Payment is "credit" based.
Credit usage per minute per machine type:
Pricing comparison per plan:
Additional infos on credit usage:


Payment is minute based.
The base minute price is $0.008 USD per GB of storage per day and per-minute usage.
⚠️ GitHub rounds the minutes and partial minutes each job uses up to the nearest whole minute.

If your account's usage surpasses these limits and you have set a spending limit above $0 USD, you will pay based on the base minute price specified above.

Product Storage Minutes included (per month) Plan price (USD)
GitHub Free 500 MB 2,000 $0
GitHub Pro 1 GB 3,000 $4/user/month
GitHub Free for organizations 500 MB 2,000 $0
GitHub Team 2 GB 3,000 $4/user/month
GitHub Enterprise Cloud 50 GB 50,000 $21/user/month
Operating system Minute multiplier
Linux 1
Windows 2
macOS 10

Example list of per-minute rates for different operating system and different number of cores (minute multipliers already applied):

Operating system Cores Per-minute rate (USD) Availability
Linux 2 $0.008 Github Free
Linux 4 $0.016 GitHub Team
Linux 8 $0.032 GitHub Team
Linux 16 $0.064 GitHub Team
Linux 32 $0.128 GitHub Team
Linux 64 $0.256 GitHub Team
Windows 2 $0.016 GitHub Free
Windows 8 $0.064 GitHub Team
Windows 16 $0.128 GitHub Team
Windows 32 $0.256 GitHub Team
Windows 64 $0.512 GitHub Team
macOS 3 $0.08 GitHub Free
macOS 12 $0.32 GitHub Free