
Easy, flexible and feature-rich lavalink@v4 Client. Both for Beginners and Proficients.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lavalink Client

Easy, flexible and feature-rich lavalink@v4 Client. Both for Beginners and Proficients.

Made with love in Austria Made with TypeScript

NPM version NPM downloads Get Started Now

npm install lavalink-client


Latest stable Version: (currently, unreleased)

👉 via NPM
npm install --save lavalink-client

Dev Version: (Current)

npm install tomato6966/lavalink-client
👉 via YARN
yarn add lavalink-client

Dev Version: (Current)

yarn add tomato6966/lavalink-client


Check out the Documentation for Examples, and detailled Docs, and to figure out how to get started. note: it's not fully done yet (see the docs)


  • 💯 Lavalink v4 Supported only (with Lavalink Plugins)

  • ✅ Player-Destroy Reasons like:

    • Channel got deleted, Player got disconnected...
  • ✨ Choose able queue stores (maps, collections, redis, databases, ...)

    • You can create your own queueStore, thus make it easy to sync queues accross multiple connections (e.g. dashboard-bot)
    • Automated Queue Sync methods
    • Automated unresolveable Tracks (save the queries as Partial Track Objects -> Fetch the tracks only once they are gonna play)
  • 😍 Included Filter & Equalizer Management

  • 👍 Multiple Player Options for easier use

    • onDisconnect -> Player Destroy / auto Reconnect
    • onEmptyQueue -> Player Destroy / leave After x Time
    • instaFixFilter -> seek the player after applying a filter, to instantly apply it's effect (only works for little-durational-songs)
    • applyVolumeAsFilter -> instead of using lavalink.volume, it uses lavalink.filters.volume which is much different!
  • 🛡️ Lavalink Validations

    • It only let's you use the filters / plugins / sources, if Lavalink actually has it enabled
  • 🛡️ Client Validations

    • Allows you to whitelist links and even blacklist links / words / domain names, so that it doesn't allow requests you don't want!
    • Checks almost all Lavalink Requests for out of bound errors, right before the request is made to prevent process breaking errors.
  • 🧑‍💻 Memory friendly and easy style

    • Only the required data is displayed, and the store-way & types match Lavalink#IMPLEMENTATION.md
  • 😘 Automated Handlings

    • Skips the songs, on TrackEnd, TrackStuck, TrackError,
    • Destroys the player on channeldelete
    • Pauses / resumes the player if it get's muted / unmuted (server-wide) [soon]
    • ...
  • 😁 Much much more!


Version 1.2.0

  • Added player.stopPlaying(): When executed it clears the Queue and stops playing, without destroying the Player
  • Adjusted Player.skip()
    • Added throwError Property to: player.skip(skipTo?:number = 0, throwError?:boolean = true).
      • If throwError = false, and no more tracks are in the queue, it won't throw an error and "ignore it". same thing as stopPlaying.
  • Added all Events and Methods from the SponsorBlock Plugin.
    • It also validates if the plugin is in the bot, in order so that you can use the functions:
    • player.getSponsorBlock() / node.getSponsorBlock()
    • player.setSponsorBlock(segments:SponsorBlockSegment[]) / node.setSponsorBlock(segments:SponsorBlockSegment[])
    • player.deleteSponsorBlock() / node.deleteSponsorBlock()
      • That Plugin adds following Events to the Manager: "SegmentsLoaded", "SegmentSkipped", "ChapterStarted", "ChaptersLoaded"
  • Example Bot show example in autoplayFunction how to "disable" / "enable" Autoplay with bot data variables.
  • Added ManagerOptions#emitNewSongsOnly. If set to true, it won't emit "trackStart" Event, when track.loop is active, or the new current track == the previous (current) track.
  • Added ManagerOptions#linksBlacklist which allows user to specify an array of regExp / strings to match query strings (for links / words) and if a match happens it doesn't allow the request (blacklist)
  • Added ManagerOptions#linksWhitelist which allows user to specify an array of regExp / strings to match query strings (for links only) and if a match does NOT HAPPEN it doesn't allow the request (whitelist)
  • Added ManagerOptions#linksAllowed if set to false, it does not allow requests which are links
  • Moved ManaagerOptions#debugOptions to ManaagerOptions#advancedOptions.debugOptions

Version 1.2.1

  • Adjusted player.stopPlaying()
    • There are now following parameters. stopPlaying(clearQueue:boolean = true, executeAutoplay:boolean = false).
      • On Default it now clears the queue and stops playing. Also it does not execute Autoplay on default. IF you want the function to behave differently, you can use the 2 states for that.
    • Fixed that it looped the current track if repeatmode === "track" / "queue". (it stops playing and loop stays)
  • Implemented a parseLavalinkConnUrl(connectionUrl:string) Util Function.
    • It allows you to parse Lavalink Connection Data of a Lavalink Connection Url. Pattern: lavalink://<nodeId>:<nodeAuthorization(Password)>@<NodeHost>:<NodePort>
    • Note that the nodeId and NodeAuthorization must be encoded via encodeURIComponents before you provide it into the function.
    • The function will return the following: { id: string, authorization: string, host: string, port: number }
    • Example: parseLavalinkConnUrl("lavalink://LavalinkNode_1:strong%23password1@localhost:2345") will give you: { id: "LavalinkNode_1", authorization: "strong#password1", host: "localhost", port: 2345 }
      • Note that the password "strong#password1" when encoded turns into "strong%23password1". For more information check the example bot