
Parses a screenshot of the monolith minigame in drv3 and outputs a text-representation of the board

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A python program to parse a screenshot and output a text-representation of the detected block-colours for the monolith minigame in drv3.

Currently (probably?) only works for the difficult version of the monolith game, and it is almost certainly necessary that the game resolution is either 1280x800 with letterboxing or 1280x720 without letterboxing.

Usage involves provide a path to a screenshot, or alternatively editing the screenshot-function in the code to take a screenshot automatically if your setup has a method for doing that (e.g. scrot on linux/X11) or perhaps PIL's Image.ImageGrab() on windows.


Usage: If you have changed the program to take screenshots automatically, make sure to edit the game_x0, game_y0, game_xn, game_yn variables in the first few lines of run.py to match the top left and bottom right corner of the game window (the resolution requirement still holds because of the template-images).

If you are not taking screenshots automatically but rather manually passing in the path to a screenshot, it is probably not necessary to specify the coordinates of the game window, but it IS necessary that the game window has the resolution mentioned in the introduction-section.

Afterwards, run:

python3 run.py examples/ex05.png

and a text-representation of the board will be displayed, as well as a reference image saved to the outputs/-directory (but that image is not really useful for anything but quickly verifying that nothing is terribly wrong with the classifications).

The text-representation can be passed to a solver or other program for processing the board (neither of which are included in this repository).