
Simple SPT-AKI crack method.


  1. Ensure your folder directory looks like this:
├─ GenuineClient/
│  ├─ BattlEye/
│  │  ├─ BEClient_x64.dll
│  ├─ ConsistencyInfo
│  ├─ Uninstall.exe
│  ├─ UnityCrashHandler64.exe
├─ EscapeFromTarkov.exe
  1. In registry, set Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\EscapeFromTarkov\UninstallString to <gamedir>\GenuineClient\Uninstall.exe. Create the key(s) if it doesn't exist yet.


  • The files in this repo are all hollow. In case you don't trust it, you can recreate these files yourself by creating a new text file without file extension, and rename it to the desired file.