
My linux system install script

Primary LanguageShell


My linux system install script and more


  • Ubuntu Desktop 22.04


  1. Install Ubuntu Desktop
  2. Open terminal
  3. Execute the following:
# install requirements
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git

# download and run script
git clone https://github.com/merijnhendriks/linux-setup
cd linux-setup
sudo chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh

# cleanup
cd ..
rm -rf linux-setup

# restart os



Disable console on boot

sudo nano /etc/default/grub
# GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty12"
sudo update-grub



Location Value
Discord > Filesystem > Other files Add xdg-documents:ro
WPS Office > Share > Network Off


Location Value
Settings > Skin Center Comfort
Ribbon > Hamburger > Ribbon Button Centered On
Ribbon > Hamburger > Ribbon Classic Menu Off


Location Value
Linux Settings > Open Discord Off
Linux Settings > Minimize to tray Off


Location Value
In-Game > Enable steam overlay while in-game Off
In-Game > Steam Networking Never
Interface > Steam window Library
Interface > Notify me... Never
Library > Interface Small
Library > Low bandwidth mode On
Library > Low performance mode On
Broadcasting > Privacy setting Disabled
Remote Play > Enable remote play Off
Shader Pre-Caching > Allow background... On
Steam Play > Enable steam play for other... On


Location Value
General > Window > Remember Window Size On
General > Window > Show Borders Off
General > Window > Theme Intergration Off
Terminal > Easy Copy & Paste On

Gnome Software

Location Value
Automatic updates Off

Software Properties

Location Value
Ubuntu Software > Downloadable from the internet > Restricted Off
Ubuntu Software > Downloadable from the internet > Multiverse Off
Updates > Subscribed to Security updates only
Updates > Automatically check for updates Never
Updates > When there are security updates Display immediately
Updates > Notify me of a new ubuntu version Never

Gnome Settings

Location Value
Bluetooth Off
Notifications > Lock Screen Notifications Off
Search > Software Off
Search > Terminal Off
Privacy > File History & Trash > File History Off
Privacy > File History & Trash > Automatically Delete Trash Content On
Privacy > File History & Trash > Automatically Delete Temporary Files On
Privacy > Screen > Blank Screen Delay Never
Privacy > Screen > Automatic Screen Lock Off
Power > Dim Screen Off
Power > Automatic Suspend Off
Display > Resolution 1280x720
Removable Media > Never prompt or start programs on media insertion On

Gnome settings keyboard shortcuts

Location Value
System > Show the overview Super + Tab
Screenshots > Take a screenshot interactively Super + Shift + S
Custom shortcuts
name: Task manager
command: gnome-system-monitor
shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Escape

Gnome tweaks

Location Value
Appearance > Background > Image /usr/share/backgrounds/canvas_by_roytanck.jpg
Appearance > Lock Screen > Image /usr/share/backgrounds/canvas_by_roytanck.jpg
Keyboard And Mouse > Mouse > Middle Click Paste Off
Top bar > Clock > Date Off

Gnome system monitor

Location Value
Processes > Behaviour > Alert before ... Off
Processes > Information Fields > User Off
Processes > Information Fields > ID Off
Processes > Information Fields > Disk read total Off
Processes > Information Fields > Disk write total Off
Processes > Information Fields > Disk read Off
Processes > Information Fields > Disk write Off
Resources > Graphs > Chart data points 30
Resources > Graphs > Draw CPU chart as ... On
File System > Information Fields > Available Off

Gnome Web

Location Value
General > Homepage Blank Page
General > Session > Restore tabs on startup Off
General > Language > Spell checking Off

Gnome extensions

Name Link
appindicator link
blur my shell link
dash to panel link
arcmenu link
just perfection link
refresh wifi connections link
start overlay in application view link


ArcMenu requires the following:

sudo apt install --no-install-recommends gir1.2-gmenu-3.0
Just perfection
Location Value
Behaviour > Startup status Desktop
Visibility > Events Off
Visibility > System Menu Off
Visibility > Weather Off
Customize > Animation Disabled
Dash to panel
Location Value
Position > Thickness 32px
Position > Show Applications Button Off
Position > Center box Off
Position > System Menu Off
Style > App icon margin 2px
Style > App icon padding 6px
Style > Override panel theme background opacity On
Behaviour > Click empty space to close overview On
Behaviour > Isolate monitors On
Behaviour > Isolate workspaces On
Behaviour > Show tooltip on hover Off
Fine-tune > Activate panel menu buttons on click On
Location Value
General > Display on all Panels On
General > Menu Hotkey Left Super Key
Layout Modern Menu Layouts > Windows
Layout > Windows > Disable Frequent Apps On
Layout > Windows > Disable Pinned Apps On
Customize > Menu Settings > Height 450
Customize > Button Settings > Icon
Customize > Power Options > Lock Off
Customize > Power Options > Log Out Off
Customize > Power OPtions > Display Style Inline
Customize > Fine-Tune > Disable ScollView Fade Effect On
Customize > Fine-Tune > Disable Tooltip On
Customize > Fine-Tune > Alphabetize All Programs Off
Customize > Fine-Tune > Disable New Apps Tracker On