
🏛 Python tool for export all your content of Notion page using official Notion API. Includes: all nested subpages, markdown files and HTMLs, nice urls, downloading locally all its content.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Notion4ever is a small python tool that allows you to free your content and export it as a collection of markdown and HTML files via the official Notion API.

✨ Features

  • Export ready to deploy static HTML pages from your Notion.so pages. root_page

  • Supports nice urls.

  • Downloads all your Notion content, which is accessible via API to a raw JSON file.

  • Uses official Notion API (via notion-sdk-py, but you can use curls if you want).

  • Supports arbitrary page hierarchy. breadcrumb

  • Supports galleries and lists gallery


    Note that Notion API does not provide information about the database view yet. That is why notion4ever will render the database as a list if any database entries do not have a cover. Suppose all entries have covers, then it will be displayed as a gallery.

  • Lightweight and responsive.

  • Downloads all your images and files locally (you can turn this off if you prefer to store images\files somewhere else).

💻 How to run it locally

Just copy or clone the content of this repository and run.

python -m notion4ever -n NOTION_TOKEN -p NOTION_PAGE_ID -bl True

🤖 How to run it automatically with Github actions

I will demonstrate it on the specific example of my site. Notion page -> Github repository

✅ Step 1. Create/choose some page in Notion.

  1. We will need the page ID. For example, the page with URL https://fmin.notion.site/Danya-Merkulov-12e3d1659a444678b4e2b6a989a3c625 has the following ID: 12e3d1659a444678b4e2b6a989a3c625.
  2. Also, we will need to create a Notion API token. Go to Notion.so/my-integrations -> Create new integration. Type the name of the integration and press submit. Now you can see your token, which starts with secret_*** under the Internal Integration Token field.
  3. Do not forget to grant access for your integration to edit your page. Go to Share -> invite -> {YOUR INTEGRATION NAME}.

✅ Step 2. Set up a repository for your static site.

In my case, it is github.com/MerkulovDaniil/merkulovdaniil.github.io/.

  1. You need to specify your Notion settings in a Github action secret. Jump to the Settings -> Secrets -> Actions -> New repository secret and create two secrets: a. NOTION_PAGE_ID b. NOTION_TOKEN


  2. Create and configure the following GitHub action in your repository:

name: Deploy from Notion to Pages

# on: [workflow_dispatch]
    - cron: "0 */12 * * *" 
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        # Download packages
      - name: Submodule Update
        run: |
          wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
          sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
          sudo apt-get update
      - name: Set up Python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: 3.10.0
      - name: Download notion4ever
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          repository: 'MerkulovDaniil/notion4ever'
      - name: Install packages
        run: pip install -r requirements.txt
      - name: Download current version of the site
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          repository: 'MerkulovDaniil/merkulovdaniil.github.io'
          # TARGET BRANCH
          ref: main
          path: _site
      - name: Run notion4ever
        run: python -m notion4ever
            # HERE YOU NEED TO PLACE URL OF THE ROOT PAGE. PROBABLY IT IS "https://<username>.github.io"
            SITE_URL: "https://merkulov.top"
            NOTION_TOKEN: ${{secrets.NOTION_TOKEN}}
            NOTION_PAGE_ID: ${{secrets.NOTION_PAGE_ID}}
      - name: Deploy to Pages
        uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@3.7.1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          BRANCH: main
          FOLDER: _site
          COMMIT_MESSAGE: 🤖 Deployed via notion4ever.

This script will run every 12 hours, and you can change it. Note that the first run could be slow if your page contains a lot of content, but all the subsequent runs will not download existing files. Congratulations 🤗!

🛠 How it works

  1. Given your notion token and ID of some page, notion4ever downloads all your content from this page and all nested subpages and saves it in a JSON file, notion_content.json.
  2. Given your raw Notion data, notion4ever structures the page's content and generates file notion_structured.json with markdown content of all pages and relations between them. Markdown parsing is done via modification of notion2md library.
  3. Given structured notion content, notion4ever generates site from jinja templates located in ./_templates directory. All styles are located in ./_sass directory and compiled with libsass-python library. By default, site is located in ./_site directory

🌈 Alternatives

🆓 Free

  • loconotion - Python tool to turn Notion.so pages into lightweight, customizable static websites.
  • NotoCourse - properly configured github actions + structuring for loconotion.
  • notablog - blog-oriented static site generator from Notion database.
  • popsy.co - turns your Notion docs into a site with custom domain.

💰 Paid

  • helpkit.so - turns your Notion docs into a hosted self-service knowledge base.
  • float.so - turns your docs in Notion into online course.
  • super.so - turns your Notion docs into a site.
  • potion.so - turns your Notion docs into a site.

🦄 Examples

Please, add your sites here if you are using Notion4ever.

Notion public page Notion4ever web page
My personal page My personal page
MIPT optimization course MIPT optimization course


  • Proper documentation.
  • Create pip package.
  • Add parallel files downloading.
  • Add search field.