
OpenTrade - Open Source Cryptocurrency Exchange

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OpenTrade is the best opensource cryptocurrency exchange!

Live version: https://trade.multicoins.org/

Step-by-step install instructions:

  1. Register on the VPS hosting like this https://m.do.co/c/1ece5d76d5cd
  2. Create "Droplet" Ubuntu 16 x64 / 1GB / 1vCPU / 25 GB SSD
  3. Log in to Droplet over SSH (You will receive a email with IP, username and password) 4
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev curl -y
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh -o install_nvm.sh
bash install_nvm.sh
sudo reboot

nvm install 6.0.0

git clone https://github.com/3s3s/opentrade.git
cd opentrade

sudo npm install 

Here is an example of the file ~/opentrade/server/modules/private_constants.js Edit with your configs.

'use strict';

exports.recaptcha_priv_key = 'YOUR_GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY';
exports.password_private_suffix = 'LONG_RANDOM_STRING1';
exports.SSL_KEY = '../ssl_certificates/privkey.pem'; //change to your ssl certificates private key
exports.SSL_CERT = '../ssl_certificates/fullchain.pem'; //change to your ssl certificates fullchain

exports.walletspassphrase = {

After, you can run exchange

cd  ~/opentrade/server
sudo node main.js

In your browser address bar, type You will see OpenTrade.

The first registered user will be exchange administrator.

Add trade pairs

For each coin you should create *.conf file This is common example for "some_coin.conf"


Also, you must encrypt your cryptocurrency wallet with this command.

./bitcoind encryptwallet random_long_string_SAME_AS_IN_FILE_private_constants.js

If coin is not supported by encryption (like ZerroCash and it forks) the coin can not be added to OpenTrade.

Add you coin details to OpenTrade

  1. Register on exchange. The first registered user will be exchange administrator.
  2. Go to "Admin Area" -> "Coins" -> "Add coin"
  3. Fill up all fields and click "Confirm"
  4. Fill "Minimal confirmations count" and "Minimal balance" and uncheck and check "Coin visible" button
  5. Click "Save"
  6. Check RPC command for the coin. If it worked then coin was added to the exchange!

All visible coins should be appear in the Wallet. You should create default coin pairs now.

File ~/opentrade/server/constants.js have settings that you can change


exports.TRADE_MAIN_COIN = "Marycoin"; //change Marycoin to your main coin pair
exports.TRADE_DEFAULT_PAIR = "Litecoin"; //change Litecoin to your default coin pair
exports.TRADE_COMISSION = 0.001; //change trade comission percent

exports.recaptcha_pub_key = "6LeX5SQUAAAAAKTieM68Sz4MECO6kJXsSR7_sGP1"; //change to your recaptcha public key

exports.NOREPLY_EMAIL = 'no-reply@multicoins.org'; //change no-reply email
exports.SUPPORT_EMAIL = 'ivanivanovkzv@gmail.com'; //change to your valid email for support requests
exports.my_portSSL = 40443; //change to your ssl port

File ~/opentrade/static_pages/chart.html


const PORT_SSL = 40443; //change to your ssl port
const MAIN_COIN = 'Greencoin'; //change Greencoin to your main coin pair same as in constants.js
const DEFAULT_PAIR = 'Litecoin'; //change Litecoin to your default coin pair same as in constants.js
const TRADE_COMISSION = 0.001;

After that, you coins should appear on the main page.