Java Programming Assignment


This assignment is designed to help you practice with Java programming, unit testing, version control using Git and GitHub, and the peer review process. You will create new Java classes and methods, write unit tests, and submit your work via a pull request (PR). Afterwards, you will participate in reviewing your peers' code.


  • Learn and apply Java programming concepts.
  • Practice using Git and GitHub for version control.
  • Gain experience with code reviews and providing constructive feedback.

Getting Started

Step 1: Fork and Clone the Repository

  • Fork this repository: Click on the "Fork" button at the top right of this page to create a copy of this repository in your GitHub account.
  • Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
    git clone [URL of your forked repository]
    cd [repository-name]

Step 2: Branching

  • Navigate into the repository directory on your local machine.
  • Create and switch to a new branch off of the starter-code branch:
    git checkout -b feature/add-classes

Assignment Tasks

Part A: Implement Java Classes

  • Create Java Classes: Based on the assignment, create Java classes and methods. You should add at least one new class, add a couple instance variables, add a few methods to update the instance variables, and then call your class in main.

Part B: Write Unit Tests

  • Implement Unit Tests: Write tests for your classes using JUnit. Ensure your tests cover all new methods.

Part C: Commit Your Changes

  • Commit changes regularly with descriptive messages:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Add a descriptive commit message"

Part D: Push and Create a Pull Request

  • Push your branch to GitHub:
    git push origin feature/add-classes
  • Create a Pull Request against the main branch in the main repository. Ensure your PR description clearly describes your changes.

Peer Review Process

  • Each student will be assigned another student’s PR to review.
  • Provide feedback on code quality, adherence to assignment instructions, and test coverage.
  • Leave constructive comments directly on lines of code in the GitHub interface.



Feel free to ask in class or open an issue in the repository if you have any questions or need further clarification on the assignment.

Good luck and happy coding!