
A Cloudflare DDNS client written in Rust.

Primary LanguageRust

Cloudflare DDNS Rust

A simple DDNS tool written in Rust, which updates your domain name on Cloudflare with your current IP.
Though we have a Python project doing exactly the same thing, there are some circumstances we prefer a compiled binary than a script which requires an interpreter, e.g. a router with limited memory & disk space.


cargo build --release

If you want to cross-compiling and distribute a binary to a foreign architecture, it is recommended to compile it with static-linking.

RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static" cargo build --release --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu


Currently only available on Linux x86-64 and Linux aarch64.

docker run -d \
       -v <path-to-config>:/ddns/ddns_config.json \
       --network host \
       --name ddns \


  • One-shot

    ./cloudflare-ddns --config <config-path> --oneshot
  • Debug

    ./cloudflare-ddns --config <config-path> --loglevel debug
  • Periodic Task

    This program now supports scheduling periodic tasks. But if you want, you can also use crontab.

    Add this to crontab

    */5 * * * * /path/to/cloudflare-ddns --config /path/to/config --oneshot

Sample Config File

  "cf_key": "your_global_api_key",
  "cf_mail": "your_account_email_address",
  "timeout": 10,                           // optional
  "ip_refresh_interval": 300,              // optional
  "domains": [
      "name": "domain.zone",
      "id": "id_of_this_record",
      "update_interval": 600, // optional
      "zone_id": "domain_of_this_zone",
      "record_type": "A",
      "ttl": 60
      "name": "domain.zone",
      "id": "id_of_this_record",
      "update_interval": 600,              // optional
      "zone_id": "domain_of_this_zone",
      "record_type": "AAAA",
      "ttl": 60

Cloudflare API Key

You can get your Global API Key from here.
Accessing Cloudflare API using User API Tokens is not implemented yet, so User API Tokens are currently unavailable.

DNS Record ID

Use this command to get the detailed info of your DNS zone.

curl --request GET \                        
  --url https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/<your-zone-id>/dns_records \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'X-Auth-Email: <your-mail>' \
  --header 'X-Auth-Key: <your-api-key>'

Find your id info from the json response. If you have not created your DNS record yet, please create a new one with arbitrary IP, and get its id.
This will be done automatically in future versions.