
turn status output scripts into apps

Primary LanguageShell


What's cool

Stream output to browsers, apps and devices as it happens, without javascript


Copies, refeshed in the background every few minutes

Run the script live


Local dev

foreman start

Recommended web config & launch

heroku create
heroku config:set WEB_TIMEOUT=600 WEB_CONCURRENCY=4 RACK_ENV=production
git push heroku master

Environment variable configuration options

Variable                Default Value             Description
SHELL2WEB_CMD           ./run            what script to run
SHELL2WEB_CONTENT_TYPE  text/plain       Content-Type
SHELL2WEB_LIVE          true             allow /live ?
SHELL2WEB_TIME          true             show start, end and elapsed time
SHELL2WEB_DELAY         5 minutes        delay between background updates
SHELL2WEB_AVG_RUN_TIME  4 minutes        estimated time a background update takes

note: only supports 1 dyno