
Read in raw mode suggested

To compile: javac NumberGuesser.java GameMaster.java Main.java

To run: java Main

How to play: -The game starts random with either player turn or computer turn -If its player turn, enter a number guess (4 digits) -Computer will give the answer score of the player guess (+[0-4]-[0-4]) -The guess turn will change to computer -If its computer turn, it will guess a number -Enter the score for computer's guess on your secret number (+[0-4]-[0-4]) -The guess turn will change to player

Form of answer:

  • : for contained digit in right location
  • : for contained digit in wrong location

Example: Secret: 7532 Guess : 7624 Score : +1-1

Secret: 1234 Guess : 4321 Score : +0-4

Secret: 9876 Guess : 9876 Score : +4-0

Note: It is expected that player knows the rules. Error protection is only benefit of computer, player is not considered due to competition.