
Python library to communicate with Epson thermal printers via ePOS-Print XML

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python library to communicate with Epson thermal printers via ePos-Print XML. This makes it easy and intuitive to create print orders for ePos-Print XML compatible printers, like the Epson TM-T20, TM-m30 and TM-m50 series. Depending on the printer model, some elements are not supported. Check your manual or the Epson reference to see which elements are supported.


pip install ePos-Print-XML


from epos.printer import Printer
from epos.document import EposDocument
from epos.elements import Text, Feed, Barcode
from epos.constants import Align

# Create a new printer object with as ip
printer = Printer('')
# Check if we can connect to the printer with no errors, otherwise exit
if not printer.printer_ready():

# Create a new EposDocument object
# This will contain all the individual elements
doc = EposDocument()

# Add an element directly to the body of the document
doc.add_body(Text('This is example text!\n'))
doc.add_body(Feed())  # Another way to add a newline

# It's also possible to first create the text object and then change the properties
t = Text('Some special text :O\n')
t.bold = True
t.align = Align.CENTER

# Add 2 empty lines

# Add a barcode
doc.add_body(Barcode(BarcodeType.CODE39, 'text in barcode'))

# Send the whole document to the printer
# This will automatially send a Cut at the end of the document body
r = printer.print(doc)

# The print method returns a response element
# Here we can check if the printing was succesfull
if r.success:
    print('The printing was successfull!')
    print(f'Printing failed. Error: {r.code}')


Tech reference of all the xml elements by Epson: https://reference.epson-biz.com/modules/ref_epos_print_xml_en/index.php?content_id=1