get privkeys from runnings transaction
Before use must install git, pip, and linux or ubuntu commandprompt
to use this script :
For Windows : -install visual code lastes version then connect it with your windows
For Linux and Ubuntu : use command sudo to use it
Install all pip for the algotrithm such as:
-install python, python2, python3 ;
-python -m install --upgrade pip ;
-pip install PyQt6 ;
-pip install colorama ;
-pip install base64 ;
-pip install base58 ;
-pip install hash160 ;
-pip install requests ;
-pip install bit ;
-pip install ecdsa ;
-pip install QDarkStyle ;
-pip install simplebloomfilter ;
-pip install bitarray==1.9.2 ;
-pip install hdwallet ;
-pip install mnemonic ;
-pip install numpy ;
-pip install keyboard ;
-pip install pygame ;
-pip install trotter
To use in windows : python > winners.txt