Merveil479's Stars
College Based Data Management System
Fedena SIS
Build a predictive model for the sale prices of homes in a city and explore potential equity issues with the real-estate assessment process
R package frost: prediction of minimum temperature for frost forecasting in agriculture
Stock/cryptocurrency price prediction demo using machine learning library scikit-learn and support vector regression
Predicts gender, age, label, and zodiac sign of the writer from the given text.
Prediction of protein thermodynamic stability changes upon mutations through a Gaussian Network Model simulating protein unfolding behavior
[Machine Learning - Regression] Predicting real estate valuation in Xindian district
Heart disease prediction with logistic regression using SAS Studio. The dataset is taken from UCI Machine Learning about heart disease.
Movie Revenue & Ratings Prediction Using 5000 IMDB Movies [Python, Machine Learning, GitHub]
Application Web de prédiction de salaire en utilisant Streamlit
Structured Deep Neural Motion Prediction of Opposing Vehicles for an Autonomous Racecar
Contra is a lightweight, production ready Tensorflow alternative for solving time series prediction challenges with AI
bitcoin prediction algorithms
Discord bot for coronavirus (COVID-19) , With Ai [Machine learning algorithms] integrated into it
Smart Health Predictor with Data Mining using Php, Mysql. Which can predict the disease based on Input Symptoms and Lab Sample.
Stock Market Prediction & Trading Bot using AI
This program predicts the price of GOOG stock for a specific day using the Machine Learning algorithm called Support Vector Regression (SVR) Linear Regression. Importing flask module in the project is mandatory An object of Flask class is our WSGI application.
KenoAi is a keno prediction artificial intelligence that uses machine learning to predict numbers of next draw in kino games.
school management software for nocen,payments,hostel,cbt,course reg,HR and online training
A software, developed using JAVA Swing and DSA principles and integrated with a database, facilitates various functionalities including student registration, mark uploading, fee payment, account creation, and numerous other features.
Introducing an Advanced School Management Software: Streamlining Student Payment, Attendance Tracking, ID Creation and Scanning, Report Generation, Registration, and More
It is best school management software also known as school erp available for all type of schools. It is available with 100% source code in PHP and MySql. It have features as listed below: 1. Responsive Design. 2. White Label 3. Admin, Student, Staff and Parent Panels (4 types) 4. School setup 5. School details, logo, website, header etc 6. Add single student 7. Add bulk students - Multiple students in one click 8. Student Information tab 9. Add teacher 10. Add parents and link with student 11. Add class 12. Add Sections for each class 13. Add subjects 14. Add class routine - class time table 15. Attendance system 16. Add exams 17. Grade system 18. Manage marks 19. Report Card - Tabulation report 20. Accounting 21. Student fees invoice 22. Payment status 23. Expense management 24. Library 25. Study Material 26. Transportation 27. Hostel - Dormitory management 28. Notice board, calendar integration 29. Messages 30. SMS settings 31. Multiple language suppo
Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
A list of remote-friendly or full-remote companies that targets Italian talents.