
just some practise

Primary LanguageHTML


Using CDN is usually faster as the browser loads the cached version of file extensions

If downloading manually/ locally then only the .min version of both the JS and CSS files are needed, not the whole folder - place the /min files in your own JS/Style folders naturally - and the complete version of the fonts folder. Don't forget to make a jQuery file locally as well by downloading the latest version!


Add 15px padding


The default grid has 12 columns

just a good tip tip to know: Columns have a negative margin of -15px so remove any padding from containers

The class calls for col-SIZE-SPAN : column-when it stacks like 'm d'-how many columns

They also have a default of 30px gutters (15px on each side)

Extra Notes

Look further into clearfix class and responsive utility classes for difficult layout issues

Offsets can potentially effect layouts in unexpected ways so be careful!