MeshInspector is an application for geometry processing based on MeshLib. Find more on our website. Download MeshInspector (Windows/Linux/Mac).
MeshInspector online web-browser version (simple email sign-in is required)
- OpenGL v4 by default, v3 for a compatibility
- Fast drawing up to 20+M triangles,
- Hardware-accelerated object picker (finding triangle or point under the cursor).
- Perspective and Orthographic,
- Renderable objects
- Cloud points,
- Meshes,
- Lines,
- Voxels
- DistanceMaps
- Vertices color map,
- Triangles color map,
- Static textures.
Perfect and fast visualization of many transparent objects with complex geometry using OpenGL 4:
An ability to reconstruct voxel object from a set of projection images (radiographs) and known cone-beam CT scanner geometry parameters. Nvidia GPU is utilized via CUDA technology for the best reconstruction performance.