
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Checkers Game Project

Introduction: This project is written in react and python, flask for the api backend.

Features: Interactive game board built with React & Flask Getting Started Bootstarting the project.

Front-End Navigate to the server dir by using the cmd:

cd server and run:

pipenv install && pipenv shell starting the app you have to run the migration first and the will be though the trail of next cmd: run this cmd after installing flask in your enviroment

flask db init

flask db migrate -m 'message for the migration (treat this as the git of databases)'

flask db upgrade then you can run the seed for the database:

python3 seed.py to run the server you wil run the cmd:

python3 app.py Front-End then navigate to client and run the command:

cd client then:

npm install To start the front-end (client) you have to run the cmd:

npm start```


  • Node.js and npm (You can download them here)
  • Python 3 and pip (Download from python.org)