
It is a replica of todoist.com. It's an app where users can add, delete, rename, and mark tasks as complete.

Primary LanguageRuby


Picture Cabinet

A Todo-like app made as part of an online course.

Contribution guide

  1. Clone the project
  git clone https://github.com/Mesi21/HipTime_app.git
  cd HipTime_app
  install the gems by running: `$ bundle install`
  update the bundle: `$ bundle update`
  start the server `$ rails s`
  open browser: `localhost:3000`
  1. Then ➕ add your contribution
  2. And Feel free to make a PR

Tehnical tools:

  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • System dependencies:
  • gems:
    • devise
    • simple_form
    • bootstrap-sass


Course Project

  • This is a project of a Udemy course about Ruby on Rails, built based on the explanations of the author of the course.

If you like this project don't forgot to support it by giving a ⭐