
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This is the repository for the code that supplements the paper “(k, ℓ)-Medians Clustering of Trajectories Using Continuous Dynamic Time Warping” by Milutin Brankovic, Kevin Buchin, Koen Klaren, André Nusser, Aleksandr Popov, and Sampson Wong, published in 28th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL ’20).


Make sure you have a modern C++ compiler that supports C++ 17. GCC, clang, or MSVC from the last few years should be fine. We have a soft dependency on OpenMP 3.0+ for some parallel code to speed up the clustering; it is not required to compile or run the code, however. Make sure you have Python 3 with requests, scipy, and matplotlib installed to get the data and do the plotting. We also use R with rgdal, sp, and mapmisc for coordinate projection when preparing the datasets. Other tools needed: git, cmake, make.

Setting up

To perform the experiments yourself, do the following steps.

  1. Clone the latest state of the master branch:
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules https://github.com/Mesoptier/trajectory-clustering.git clustering && cd clustering
  1. Get the character data.
cd data && ./download_characters.py
  1. Get the pigeon data.
  1. Get the stork data.
  1. Build the project.
mkdir ../build && cd ../build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j6
cd ..

The experiments

To run the experiments, simply execute ./build/TrajectoryClustering_run. There is some extra explanation printed out to stdout when running the program.

Parts of the code related to the Fréchet distance computation and the basic clustering framework, as well some utility code, come courtesy of the authors of the previous work on (k, l)-center clustering.

This program is released under GPLv3 license, see COPYING for the full text.