
A compiled, stack-based programming language

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A stack-based programming language which compiles to assembly.


All examples are located in examples/

quick start

Clone this repo and run:


There should be an executeable called ach which you can run.


	-h, --help	show help
	-f, --fasm	use fasm to compile program
	-n, --nasm	use nasm to compile program
	-u, --unsafe	compile without type checking program


Each program has an entry point through the main function

def main in
  # code here

Comments are like in python and ruby

# this is a comment
def main in
  # another comment

stack manipulation

Declaring numbers pushes one value on the stack, an integer.

# stack [34, 35]
def main in
  34 35

Pushing a string onto the stack pushes 2 values:

  • the length of the string (integer)
  • a pointer to the string
# stack [5, "Hello"]
def main in

To push a null-terminated string, or a C-style string:

# stack ["Hello\0"]
def main in


name function stack
dup duplicate top value on the stack [a] -> [a, a]
swp swap top two values on the stack [a, b] -> [b, a]
rot rotate the top three to the left [a, b, c] -> [b, c, a]
over copy second value on stack over [a, b] -> [a, b a]
pop pop top value from the stack [a, b] -> [a]
dump dump top value on the stack into stdout [a, b] -> [a]
intrinsic examples
def main in
  # dup
  12  # stack [12]
  dup # stack [12, 12]
  pop pop

  # swp
  12 13 # stack [12, 13]
  swp   # stack [13, 12]
  pop pop

  # rot
  12 13 14 # stack [12, 13, 14]
  rot      # stack [13, 14, 12]
  pop pop pop

  # over
  12 13 # stack [12, 13]
  over  # stack [12, 13, 12]
  pop pop pop

  # pop
  12  # stack [12]
  pop # stack []

  # print 13 for debugging
  13 dump


ach uses reverse polish notation for all expressions and function calls. the following operations are supported:

If the stack is currently [a, b]

  • + - add a and b (a + b)
  • - - subtract b from a (a - b)
  • * - multiply a and b (a * b)
  • / - divide a and b (a / b). pushes the quotient and remainder on the stack
  • = - compare a and b. pushes 1 if equal, 0 if not
  • > - compare a and b. pushes 1 if a is greater, 0 if not
  • < - compare a and b. pushes 1 if a is less, 0 if not
  • >= - compare a and b. pushes 1 if a is greater or equal, 0 if not
  • <= - compare a and b. pushes 1 if a is less or equal, 0 if not
  • != - compare a and b. pushes 1 if not equal, 0 if not
  • or - compare a and b. pushes 1 if either a or b is not equal to 0, 0 if not
  • and - compare a and b. pushes 1 if both a or b is not equal to 0, 0 if not
  • not - if b is equal to 0, push 1, else push 0
  • >> - shift a by b bytes to the right
  • << - shift a by b bytes to the left

See bitwise calculator

expression examples
def main in
  # 12 + 13 -> 25
  12 13 + dump

  # 14 - 12 -> 2
  14 12 - dump

  # 7 * 3 -> 21
  7 3 * dump

  # 9 / 2 -> 4, 1
  9 2 / dump dump

  # 1 == 2 -> 0
  1 2 = dump
  # 2 == 2 -> 1
  2 2 = dump

  # 3 > 2 -> 1
  3 2 > dump
  # 3 > 4 -> 0
  3 4 > dump

  # 2 < 3 -> 1
  2 3 < dump
  # 3 < 2 -> 0
  3 2 < dump

  # 12 >= 12 -> 1
  12 12 >= dump
  # 11 >= 12 -> 0
  11 12 >= dump
  # 13 >= 12 -> 1
  13 12 >= dump

  # 12 <= 12 -> 1
  12 12 <= dump
  # 11 <= 12 -> 1
  11 12 <= dump
  # 13 <= 12 -> 0
  13 12 <= dump

  # 1 != 0 -> 1
  1 0 != dump
  # 1 != 1 -> 0
  1 1 != dump

  # 4 or 0 -> 1
  4 0 or dump
  # 3 or 4 -> 1
  3 4 or dump
  # 0 or 0 -> 0
  0 0 or dump

  # 4 and 0 -> 0
  4 0 and dump
  # 3 and 4 -> 1
  3 4 and dump
  # 0 and 0 -> 0
  0 0 and dump

  # not 1 -> 0
  1 not dump
  # not 0 -> 1
  0 not dump

  # 12 >> 1 -> 6
  12 1 >> dump

  # 12 << 1 -> 24
  12 1 << dump

inspiration and learning resources and stuff

Based off https://gitlab.com/tsoding/porth/-/tree/master.

what i want the language to look like in the future (sort of)

include "std/core.ach"

struct Struct
  num int
  string str

# fairly useless function
def cstrlen2 str str -> int int in
  let str_a str_b in
    str_a cstrlen
    str_b cstrlen

def main in
  Struct set my_struct end

  my_struct "Hello"c !Struct.string
  my_struct 69       !Struct.num

  my_struct @Struct.String cstr-to-str puts
  my_struct @Struct.Num putu "\n" puts

  "Hello"c "World!"c cstrlen2
  putu "\n" puts
  putu "\n" puts