Principal Component Analysis of protein data - ELISA/Luminex

Syntax: Rscript luminexPCA.R <Input_Luminex_File> <Input_Phenotype_File> <Output_Prefix>

Input format Specifications:

a) Input Luminex File

This includes a matrix of protein concentrations for all samples and analytes to be included in the PCA. Please have the file in the following format. Please you test_luminex.txt as a template for this file.

b) Input Phenotype File

This includes information about sample phenotype. The first column (column name: SampleName) has the sample ID, which should be in the same order as it appears in the Input Luminex File. The second column (column name: Phenotype) has information about the group it belongs to. Please use test_phenotype.txt as a template for this file.

N.B: The code generates a pdf file, which can be later opened in illustrator to eliminate less useful arrows and annotations.