- 1
- 0
Anomaly when defining and using inductive types while in interactive proof mode.
#1129 opened by DeLectionnes - 2
Improve Quoting to also quote uniform parameters
#1120 opened by thomas-lamiaux - 0
Add a tmWarning
#1119 opened by thomas-lamiaux - 0
Improve printing functions of `TemplateMonad`
#1118 opened by MathisBD - 18
- 4
- 0
`tmMkDefinition` and friends discard the evar map
#1115 opened by MathisBD - 0
Using tmMkInductive and tmUnquote unpredictably crashes
#1114 opened by MathisBD - 0
`Unquote Definition` will normalize the term
#1091 opened by WeituoDAI - 4
Universe inconsistency with MetaCoq and stdpp
#1090 opened by 4ever2 - 3
Please create a tag for Coq 8.19 in Coq Platform 2024.01
#1069 opened by rtetley - 4
Should default branch be coq-8.18 or main?
#994 opened by JasonGross - 1
- 1
In 8.18, MetaCoq Run sometimes returns an anomaly when running incorrectly typed code.
#1042 opened by DeLectionnes - 1
[Feature Request] Please allow scripting `#[export] Typeclasses Opaque foo.` in the template monad
#864 opened by JasonGross - 2
MetaCoq is missing `Hint Opaque`
#1004 opened by Janno - 0
coq-8.17 branch no longer builds on ocaml 4.11.2
#1022 opened by JasonGross - 4
- 1
- 7
- 0
- 0
[Feature] Please add `tmTry`
#874 opened by JasonGross - 0
Please enable auto rebase from the web interface
#871 opened by JasonGross - 1
`tmQuoteModule` should return global references in dependency order, without duplicates
#850 opened by JasonGross - 1
`tmQuoteModule` incorrectly returns the empty list when a module is bound or aliases a bound module
#847 opened by JasonGross - 0
`tmExistingInstance` should support `#[export]` and `#[local]` hints as well
#840 opened by JasonGross - 0
Request: `tmLocateModule`
#852 opened by JasonGross - 0
Error: Anomaly "Evar ?X40 was not declared." when running template programs with holes which involve `tmDefinition`
#862 opened by JasonGross - 2
`tmDefinition` says that MetaCoq tactics are bugged and fail to declare universes
#853 opened by JasonGross - 2
- 0
Request: `tmOpenModule` and `tmCloseModule`
#851 opened by JasonGross - 0
`tmQuoteModule` generates many anomalies
#846 opened by JasonGross - 0
- 0
- 0
"tm* must take n arguments" errors are incorrect
#841 opened by JasonGross - 0
Please add a function for checking if a kername is valid in the global environment, or if it will disappear when the file is finished
#839 opened by JasonGross - 1
- 3
Build fails with "undefined symbol: camlMetacoq_template_plugin__Primitive__7"
#766 opened by haansn08 - 0
PCUIC should support easy translation from template-polymorphic and universe-polymorphic-with-variance inductives
#815 opened by JasonGross - 1
Execution of module initializers in the shared library failed in async mode
#777 opened by kyoDralliam - 2
How does one print proof terms as de bruijn indices instead of random named variables in Coq?
#808 opened by brando90 - 0
- 0
Template program gives Error: Anomaly "in econstr: grounding a non evar-free term" Please report at
#779 opened by JasonGross - 2
metacoq/translations/times_bool_fun2.v is incompatible with the native compiler (Anomaly "Uncaught exception UGraph.UniverseInconsistency(_).")
#772 opened by JasonGross - 3 failing in bench
#760 opened by SkySkimmer - 6
1.1+8.16 does not compile on 32/64 bit Windows
#764 opened by MSoegtropIMC - 1
Reasoning about TemplateMonad commands?
#753 opened by jsarracino - 2
Question: Nested Function Applications
#659 opened by justinfargnoli - 4
Any plans on supporting higher ocaml versions?
#651 opened by qcfu-bu