
Command line program to overlay "Sounds Good To Me" on a provided gif.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


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Command line program to overlay "Sounds Good To Me" on a provided gif.

Built with CliFx, SpectreConsole and ImageSharp.




Url Support

Overlay text on gifs from a gif url with the --url or -u switch. Error thrown if the gif from the link does not result in a .gif format.


File Support

Overlay text on gifs from an existing gif file with the --path or -p switch. Error thrown if the file is the wrong format, or the program was not run with the permissions needed to access the file


Easy-to-read Help Messages

Colorful, easy to read, automatically generated help messages.




Customizable Output Directory

Change the output directory for the finished and temporary gifs with the --output or -o switch. Default directory is /UserFolder/sgtm-output/


Customizable Font

Change the font used to draw text with the --font or -f switch. Default font is Arial. If you are getting errors with the default font, make sure Arial is installed. (How to install Arial on Ubuntu)


Customizable Text Color

Change the text color used to draw text with the --color or -c switch. Default color is #FFFFFF (White). Make sure this color is a hex value.


Customizable Acronyms

Change the abbreviated text with the --abbreviated-text or -a switch. Change the unabbreviated text with the --expanded-text or -e switch. Default abbreviation is "SGTM", default unabbreviation is "Sounds Good To Me".



(Assuming .NET Core 3.1 and an archive manager is installed)

  • Download the latest binary from the releases page.
  • Extract the binary with your favourite archive manager (Mine being 7zip).
  • Open a terminal window in the directory the folder was extracted to
  • Type dotnet SoundsGoodToMe.dll --help and follow the help message.


command desc
converturl overlays "Sounds Good To Me" onto an image fetched from a url
convertfile overlays "Sounds Good To Me" onto a pre-existing file
version responds with the version the program is running on


switch required desc
--url or -u true url used to fetch gif
--outputdir or -o false output directory for the converted gifs
--font or -f false font used for text overlay
--color or -c false color used for text overlay
--abbreviated-text or -a false the abbreviated text to display
--expanded-text or -e false the unabbreviated text to display
--help or -h false displays a help message on all switches


switch required desc
--path or -p true path to the file to be converted
--outputdir or -o false output directory for the converted gifs
--font or -f false font used for text overlay
--color or -c false color used for text overlay
--abbreviated-text or -a false the abbreviated text to display
--expanded-text or -e false the unabbreviated text to display
--help or -h false displays a help message on all switches


  • Convert a gif from the url https://somewebsite.com/anime-girl.gif to save at the output folder of /home/charlie/sgtm/output/ with the font Ubuntu with text written in color black (#000000).
dotnet SoundsGoodToMe.dll converturl -u https://somewebsite.com/anime-girl.gif -o /home/charlie/sgtm/output/ -f Ubuntu -c #000000
  • Convert a gif from a pre-existing file located at /home/charlie/Desktop/anime-girl.gif to save at the output folder of /home/charlie/applications/sgtm/output/ with the font Ubuntu with text written in color red (#000000).
dotnet SoundsGoodToMe.dll convertfile -p /home/charlie/Desktop/anime-girl.gif -o /home/charlie/applications/sgtm/output/ -f Ubuntu -c #FF0000
  • Get the current version of the app.
dotnet SoundsGoodToMe.dll --version
  • Display a help message on the convertfile command.
dotnet SoundsGoodToMe.dll convertfile -h


For any bug reports, questions, or requests please create an issue via the issue tracker.


SoundsGoodToMe is released under the MIT License.