
Tasty Backend configuration for the Webform module.

Tasty Backend Webform Module Readme

The Tasty Backend Webform module better integrates the Webform module with Tasty Backend.

It gives the content admin role proper permissions and creates custom views for administration and media selection.

The Tasty Backend modules do not require you to use the Tasty Backend Install Profile. You can try it out on a new install someday.


Download the zip and place the expanded folder in your /sites/all/modules folder.

Go to admin/modules and make sure you have all the prerequisite modules installed, and then activate the Tasty Backend Webform Module.

** The Tasty Backend Webform Module requires these prerequisite modules.** * Contributed modules: webforms tasty_backend_base


After installing and enabling the module, login with a user who has the Content Admin role.

For additional instructions, review the tasty_backend_base installation notes.

About Tasty Backend

Tasty Backend Modules and Base Install Profiles were created by @jenitehan using the usability improvements spoken about in her DrupalCon talks 'Building a Tasty Backend'.

You can view one of these at Building a Tasty Backend from DrupalCon Amsterdam '14

A Tasty Backend Demo is available here: http://tastybackend.deliciouscreative.com


Jeni Tehan . Delicious Creative . Brighton, UK . http://www.deliciouscreative.com