- 2
Sound issue
#87 opened by hellGerra - 1
Rotation Offset w/ Correct Camera
#86 opened by MrCubicYT - 1
Bringing back diffrent source render
#69 opened by ooTruffle - 1
1.35 Update
#85 opened by Slooshie1 - 0
not Rendering on quest 3 even after updating
#84 opened by Dudebro47yt - 1
SFX out of sync
#83 opened by xseman - 1
Replay Mod Is freezing on quest 3
#78 opened by RushBBX - 2
Seems to crash when trying to render when Custom JSON data is also installed.
#82 opened by ivandimov7 - 2
Trick Saber Support
#76 opened by nis0808 - 1
Turn off current song text in replay
#81 opened by xseman - 1
- 1
Rendering On Quest 3
#77 opened by anotherperson64 - 0
Replay mod not working with ScoreSaber
#79 opened by overlappingd - 8
Doesn't seem to work on Quest3
#70 opened by Duffelsalat - 1
ability to remove specific songs from the queue
#68 opened by rhysdh540 - 5
Free 3rd Person movement is missing?
#73 opened by AK49BWL - 0
Add scoresaber V3 replay support
#75 opened by t3lep - 1
Quest3 problem
#72 opened by Mqffin - 0
Song Is High Pitched when using Super Fast Song
#71 opened by Xman10110 - 1
(suggestion) Camera location presets
#67 opened by SH4WNATR0N - 2
[Suggestion] Editing Camera
#57 opened by ooTruffle - 1
Faster song audio clicking noise
#50 opened by Alyng0 - 1
Debris never showing up
#66 opened by CodeSoftGit - 8
Rendering Queue 1.28 Quest 2
#62 opened by Andrey446 - 3
[suggestion] "render" audio only
#65 opened by rhysdh540 - 4
The Spectrogram Does NOT Move In The Render
#61 opened by maxplayz2746 - 2
- 2
3rd person
#60 opened by BlueScriptsAndDies - 1
Render Mod Won't Render Specific Song
#63 opened by Noiceb - 1
NE Movement Doubled
#58 opened by CreeperCrafter979 - 7
Reduce Debris not properly working
#51 opened by ImStupidUser - 1
Will this mod be bumped to 1.28.0?
#56 opened by JarzaClay - 1
- 2
replay wont show up ingame
#54 opened by beatmonke - 1
#53 opened by UnsavorySpirit - 1
Does Not Record
#52 opened by RealUnrealGameDev - 1
Replay Avatars
#44 opened by Stefan-1982 - 2
Height issue
#48 opened by MCMODDER11 - 1
Render corruption
#49 opened by Brickwallvr - 6
- 2
Replay mode failed to load in the beat saver
#45 opened by YTooflent - 1
Add warning after beating a level that the replay wasn’t saved if bl isn’t installed
#46 opened by Manleyne - 3
Feature Req: AnyTweaks for Rendering
#41 opened by AltyFox - 5
NE wall alpha
#42 opened by IntoTheAbyss490 - 5
- 2
Third person mod compatibility
#38 opened by Spammy16 - 1
[Hollywood] Bottom half of render seems to "glitch" or "wiggle" when hitting a note.
#40 opened by Koreami - 2
Replay button not working in the result screen
#39 opened by Nitai610 - 1
Error Installing Replay Mod for Quest
#37 opened by Koreami - 1
Replay Restart
#35 opened by Manleyne