Moonlimit Drone API

This WebApi is version 2 and not fully compatible with v.1 (current GoLang app)

It is work in progress also

Get started:

1) Download Postgresql with GIS docker:

docker pull kartoza/postgis:13.0

docker volume create pg_data

docker run --name=postgis -d -e POSTGRES_USER=metal -e POSTGRES_PASS=parolata -e POSTGRES_DBNAME=gis -e ALLOW_IP_RANGE= -p 5432:5432 -v pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql --restart=always kartoza/postgis:13.0

2) Fix your connection string

In appsettings.json change ConnectionStrings Moonlimit.DroneAPIDB to localhost or network machine with Postgresql

3) Create Database schema and seed data

Run Moonlimit.DroneAPI.Api, this will open api/info endpoint and it will take care to create and migrate the database.

4) Take a look of Swager or Postman queries

Import Moonlimit.DroneAPI.postman_collection.json to your Postman

To get JWT token call POST: api/token with:

"UserName": "",
"Password": "mysecretpassword123"

5) Use api/user endpoint to create new user

Known issues

  • There is problem with loading depended (Owned) entites. All linked entities are not loaded by the parent entity, even with disabled lazy loading! It looks like Postgre driver issue - I will investigate further but for now the only workaround is to use "eager loading" with .Include()
  • GIS - Geography Point type is not tested and may need additional mapper
  • Some unit tests are not working and need additional seed data

Breaking changes from the old api

  • All new endpoints start with api, for example /drone/{id} is now /api/drone/{id}

  • Endpoints /drone/create /drone/edit and /drone/delete are removed. Use just /drone with http GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods instead. Same for other endpoints...

  • Coordinates in all objects (Latitude, Longitude and Altitude properties) are moved inside Point structure and it has X,Y and Z properties, where X is longitude. The new property name is Coordinates for single point, or Points (a list) for area.


  • Create Identity Server
  • Use separate database for identities
  • Fix all issues and ad unittests
  • Update the UI (current Vue or new Blazor)
  • Add additional drone registration procedure
  • Generate barcodes for mobile
  • Automate drone assigning to company account and user