
Friendly NPCs

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  • Quest Givers: Key characters who provide missions, story progression, and rewards
  • Merchants: Sell various items, gear, and consumables to players
  • Mechanics: Specialize in repairing or upgrading vehicles or mechanical equipment
  • Medical Personnel: Offer healing services, sell medical supplies, or provide cybernetic enhancements
  • Technology Experts: Assist with hacking, information retrieval, or provide tech upgrades
  • Safe House Operators: Provide safe zones where players can rest, save progress, or access secure services
  • Guild Leaders: Represent different player factions, offering faction-specific quests and rewards
  • Skill Trainers: Provide training to improve player skills or unlock new abilities
  • Elite Squad Captains: Leading high-risk missions, offering tasks that require tactical precision
  • Rebel Squad Leaders: Leading small rebel groups, can offer guerrilla warfare-based missions
  • Mercenary Squad Recruiters: NPCs who can recruit the player for mercenary missions, focusing on high-risk, high-reward tasks
  • Mafia Bosses: Offering high-stakes missions involving organized crime
  • Street Gang Leaders: Provide quests related to territorial control or gang wars
  • Radical Activists: Offer missions aimed at disrupting corporate entities
  • Hacktivists: Specialize in cyber-espionage against capitalist structures, offering hacking-related missions.
  • Philosopher NPCs: Engage the player in deep conversations about the flaws of some specific politics/economics
  • Ideologues: Offer missions to spread fair ideals or aid struggling communities
  • Workers' Union Leaders: Offer missions related to labor strikes or fighting for workers' rights
  • Spy Masters: Offer covert intelligence-gathering missions
  • Saboteurs: Specialize in missions to disrupt or destroy key facilities or systems
  • Double Agents: NPCs with uncertain loyalties, offering complex, multi-layered quests that could involve betrayal
  • Guerrilla Warfare Experts: Offering unconventional warfare tactics and missions against larger, more equipped forces
  • Smugglers and Traffickers: Offering missions that involve illegal trade, smuggling routes, and evading law enforcement
  • Counterintelligence Experts: Providing missions to uncover and counteract espionage efforts by rival factions or governments