
UI/UX Design for HUD

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  • Ammo count: numeric for ammunition and bar for energy/fuel/non countable
  • Nanobot infiltration: Icon: nanobot symbol; Meter: bar
  • Energy levels: For implants and body mods
  • Cyberjammer: For being undetectable to enemies implants
  • Quest/Objective Tracker
  • Coms Channel Selector: Use with player to player encrypted chat and Player to AI friendlys comms
  • Wildlife tracker
  • Virtual Economy tracker
  • Ammo count: Shows the remaining ammunition for firearms or energy levels for energy-based weapons: Icon: Bullet or Energy cell depending on weapon being used; Meter: Numeric display for countable ammo (e.g., bullets); horizontal for energy/fuel
  • Air quality Analysis: Provides data on air quality; Icon: Gas mask; Meter: color coded icon
  • Digital Network alert: Provides data on digital network availability; Icon: wifi symbol: Meter: icon visibility (visible or not visible)
  • Drone video screen: A small screen showing live feed from a player-controlled or allied drone
  • Messages from squad leaders and friendlys: Displays text or voice messages from squad leaders and team members; Icon: Radio; Display: blinking text (displays sender)
  • Regenerative Tissue Status: Shows regeneration status of the player’s tissues; Icon: Cell symbol; Meter: Bar that fills up as tissue regenerates, color-coded for different regeneration stages
  • Symbiotic Organism Interface: Displays the status and activity of symbiotic organisms integrated into the player's body; Icon: intertwining vines; Meter: Organic-shaped meter that changes color based on symbiote activity
  • Pharmaceutical Status: Tracks the usage, levels, and cooldown of pharmaceuticals or drugs in use; Icon: pill; Multiple small bars for different drugs, showing remaining effectiveness or cooldown time
  • Bio surveillance Alert: Alerts the player to biological scanners in the area; Icon: radar; Meter: visibility of icon (visible if scanners in area, invisible if not)
  • Regenerative Bio weapon ammo: Indicates the ammo status for bio-weapons, which regenerates over time; Icon: gun with biohazard symbol in it; Meter: Regenerative bar that slowly refills as ammo regenerates
  • Chameleon Skin status: Displays the operational status of chameleon skin, used for camouflage or stealth; Icon: Chameleon; Meter: Color-changing icon showing the current state of the skin


  • Body Part Specific Damage: Damage to specific body parts impairs abilities related to that part (e.g., a damaged leg causes limping, a damaged arm reduces accuracy) silhouette with parts and colors (clear green orange red)
  • Body Part Specific Damage to Implants and Body Mods (Warnings of each implant/body mod damage/functionality)
  • Health Regeneration: Health automatically regenerates if equipped with nanobot regeneratives. Boosters can enhance nanobot efficiency. Severely damaged players become unconscious and require revival by team members
  • Stamina: Depletes with actions like sprinting, jumping, heavy attacks; recovers over time; Icon: ??? ; Meter: bar
  • Adrenaline Trigger: Very low health can trigger an adrenaline boost, enhancing endurance, speed, and strength; Icon: adrenaline molecule; Meter: bar
  • Armor Integrity: Each piece of armor has its own integrity meter. Armor can be repaired at repair centers or by armor nanobots
  • Customizable Holographic HUD: Players can customize their HUD to display all the metrics and stats in a holographic interface
  • Augmentation Integrity: Cybernetic augmentations can be damaged, limiting abilities or causing malfunctions. Repairable through augmentation nanobots, fuel boosters, or at augmentation centers
  • Bio Toxicity Meter: Measures exposure to harmful biological substances, impacting health; Icon: Bio hazard symbol; Meter: bar
  • Psych Toxicity Meter: Indicates exposure to psychoactive substances or cyberneural weapons, enemy cyber attacks, psychoactive weapons, traumatic experiences, affecting mental health; Icon: Brain with exclamation point in it; Meter: bar
  • Radiation Meter: Shows radiation levels in the environment, which can affect health: Icon: Radiation Symbol; Meter: Geiger Counter Gauge
  • Hunger Meter: Indicates hunger level. Neglecting this need can reduce movement speed, weapon accuracy, lead to death; Icon ???; Meter: bar
  • Thirst Meter: Indicates thirst level. Neglecting this need can reduce movement speed, weapon accuracy, lead to death; Icon H20; Meter: bar
  • Sleep Meter: Lack of sleep diminishes health, stamina, and mental health; Icon: zzz; Meter: bar
  • Blood loss status: Monitors the player's blood loss in combat, warning of critical levels; Icon: heart; Meter: Bar that depletes with blood loss, changing color as the situation becomes more critical
  • Adaptive Immune Response system: Indicates the status of the player's immune system against various threats like toxins or viruses; Icon: health cross; Meter: Color-coded bar or health icon changing from green (healthy) to red (critical)