
Game Over menu/screen

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  • 3rd person image of how the player died
  • "Eliminated by [Enemy Name]", "Critical Mission Failure"
  • Stats Summary: Display key stats from the player's last session, like enemies defeated, objectives completed, or resources gathered
  • Tips or Hints: Offer gameplay tips or hints based on how the player was defeated, encouraging learning and improvement
  • Respawn Options: Provide choices for respawning, like returning to the nearest safe house or last checkpoint
  • Retaliation or Revenge Feature: Option to mark the enemy or faction that defeated the player, setting up a revenge mission
  • Social Sharing: Allow players to share their game over moment on social media or with friends, possibly with a screenshot or a brief replay clip
  • Narrative Continuity: Include brief narrative elements that make the defeat part of the story (e.g., an NPC commenting on the player's defeat)
  • Emotional Engagement: Use music, sound effects, and visuals that evoke an emotional response, encouraging players to jump back into the game
  • Customization Options: Let players customize their game over screen with different themes or messages
  • Encouragement to Continue: Motivational quotes or messages from characters in the game, urging the player to keep going