Single Pages (For all Sites you need an Webserver with PHP 7.0 or higher, Putty and an FTP Program)

If something does not work Write me on Discord: DerMetelGamerYT#7084

darkrp.php - Infos & Installation

Info: With darkrp.php you can show the TOP 50 players with the most money via mysqloo


First you need do download mysqloo(
Second you put the .dll in the garrysmod/lua/bin folder (If the bin folder doesn't exist, create it)
Third you create a database in e.g phpmyadmin named darkrp or something
Fourth you change the mysql login data in the .php file

mcloud - Infos & Installation

Info: MCloud is a simple 1 file upload site where you can upload/download or delete files.
I wanted to save files somewhere to get them back later from other places to work on them. So inspiration I had Google-Drive but kept it short and simple with 100 lines.


First download mcloud and drag it to the directory "/var/www/html".
Then in the same folder of the php file create a folder called data
Then give the data folder and the php file full permissions(777)
Then open in Putty with e.g. nano the following:

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/auth-basic.conf

and paste the following lines into the file and save:

<Directory /var/www/html/youfolderwheremcloudisinside>
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Basic Authentication"
    AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
    require valid-user

Then activate Auth-Basic with the following command: a2ensite auth-basic
Restart Apache2 with:

systemctl restart apache2

Create a user with password for basic auth with:

htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.htpasswd yourusername

And Restart Apache2 again.
Done, now only those who have the password and the user you created will have access to the files.

truthordare.php - Infos & Installation

Info: With truthordare.php you can, as the name suggests, play truth or dare


First download this File and drag it to your website directory
Second you have to create a Database called "truthordare" and change the mysql config
Done, have fun with your friends :)