
A wetaher shield for the Particle Photon.

Primary LanguageEagle


Photon Weather Shield

Photon Weather Shield (DEV-13630 )

The SparkFun Photon Weather Shield is an easy to use add-on board for the Photon form Particle.io, which grants you access to barometric pressure, relative humidity, and temperature. There are also connections on this shield to optional sensors such as wind speed, direction, rain gauge and soil readings!

Repository Contents

  • /Firmware - Necessary libraies and example sketches to use the weather shield.
  • /Hardware - All Eagle design files (.brd, .sch)
  • /Production - Test bed files and production panel files


Product Versions

Version History

License Information

This product is open source!

Please review the LICENSE.md file for license information.

If you have any questions or concerns on licensing, please contact techsupport@sparkfun.com.

Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

  • Your friends at SparkFun.

MenloParkInnovation LLC Fork of SparkFun_Photon_Weather_Shield

The MenloParkInnovation LLC Fork of the SparkFun WeatherShield contains fixes for the Phant HTTP transfer loop, and a re-written version of the main project that adds Particle Cloud management, and connections to Smartpux/Openpux at https://github.com/menloparkinnovation/openpux