KubeOps Kubernetes CheatSheet

This is Kubernetes Cheatsheet based on Kubernetes API 1.19 version.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Name |
Command |
Create resource |
kubectl apply -f ./<file_name> .yaml |
Create from multiple files |
kubectl apply -f ./<file_name_1> .yaml -f ./<file_name_2> .yaml |
Create all files in directory |
kubectl apply -f ./<directory_name> |
Create from url |
kubectl apply -f https://<url> |
Create pod |
kubectl run <pod_name> --image <image_name> |
Create pod, then expose it as service |
kubectl run <pod_name> --image <image_name> --port <port> --expose |
Create pod yaml file |
kubectl run <pod_name> --image image_name --dry-run=client -o yaml > <file_name> .yaml |
Create deployment |
kubectl create deployment <deployment_name> --image <image_name> |
Create deployment yaml file |
kubectl create deployment <deployment_name> --image <image_name> --dry-run=client -o yaml > <file_name> .yaml |
Create service |
kubectl create service <service-type> <service_name> --tcp=<port:target_port> |
Create service yaml file |
kubectl create service <service-type> <service_name> --tcp=<port:target_port> --dry-run=client -o yaml > <file_name> .yaml |
Expose service from pod/deployment |
kubectl expose deployment <pod/deployment_name> --type=<service-type> --port <port> --target-port <target_port> |
Create config map from key-value |
kubectl create configmap <configmap_name> --from-literal=<key>:<value> --from-literal=<key>:<value> |
Create config map from file |
kubectl create configmap <configmap_name> --from-file=<file_name> |
Create config map from env file |
kubectl create configmap <configmap_name> --from-env-file=<file_name> |
Create secret from key-value |
kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal=<key>:<value> --from-literal=<key>:<value> |
Create secret from file |
kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-file=<file_name> |
Create job |
kubectl create job <job_name> --image=<image_name> |
Create job from cronjob |
kubectl create job <job_name> --from=cronjob/<cronjob-name> |
Create cronjob |
kubectl create cronjob --image=<image_name> --schedule='<cron-syntax> ' -- <command> <args> |
Create inline yaml |
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f - <enter> YAML CONTENT <enter> EOF <enter> |
Monitoring Usage Commands
Name |
Command |
Get node cpu and memory utilization |
kubectl top node <node_name> |
Get pod cpu and memory utilization |
kubectl top pods <pod_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get all namespaces |
kubectl get namespaces |
Get namespace |
kubectl get namespaces <namespace_name> |
Get namespace in yaml |
kubectl get namespaces <namespace_name> -o yaml |
Describe namespace |
kubectl describe namespaces <namespace_name> |
Execute command with specific namespace (Example) |
kubectl get pods --namespace=<namespace_name> |
Set default namespace for 'kubectl' |
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace="<namespace_name> " |
Check current namespace |
kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace: |
Cleanup namespace with specific namespace |
kubectl delete all --all --namespace="<namespace_name> " |
Cleanup namespace (Be careful, make sure you're right namespace) |
kubectl delete all --all |
Name |
Command |
Describe node |
kubectl describe node <node_name> |
Get node in yaml |
kubectl get node <node_name> -o yaml |
Get node |
kubectl get node <node_name> |
Drain node |
kubectl drain node <node_name> |
Cordon node |
kubectl cordon node <node_name> |
Uncordon node |
kubectl uncordon node <node_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get pod |
kubectl get pod <pod_name> |
Get pod in yaml |
kubectl get pod <pod_name> -o yaml |
Get pod wide information |
kubectl get pod <pod_name> -o wide |
Get pod with watch |
kubectl get pod <pod_name> -w |
Edit pod |
kubectl edit pod <pod_name> |
Describe pod |
kubectl describe pod <pod_name> |
Delete pod |
kubectl delete pod <pod_name> |
Log pod |
kubectl logs pod <pod_name> |
Tail -f pod |
kubectl logs pod -f <pod_name> |
Execute into pod |
kubectl exec -it pod <pod_name> -- /bin/bash |
Running Temporary Image |
kubectl run <pod_name> --image=curlimages/curl --rm -it --restart=Never -- curl <destination> |
Name |
Command |
Get deployment |
kubectl get deployment <deployment_name> |
Get deployment in yaml |
kubectl get deployment <deployment_name> -o yaml |
Get deployment wide information |
kubectl get deployment <deployment_name> -o wide |
Edit deployment |
kubectl edit deployment <deployment_name> |
Describe deployment |
kubectl describe deployment <deployment_name> |
Delete deployment |
kubectl delete deployment <deployment_name> |
Log deployment |
kubectl logs deployment/deployment_name -f |
Update image |
kubectl set image deployment <deployment_name> <container_name> =<new_image_name> |
Scale deployment with replicas |
kubectl scale deployment <deployment_name> --replicas <replicas> |
Autoscaling deployment |
kubectl autoscale deployment <deployment_name> --min=<min_number_of_pod> --max=<max_number_of_pod> --cpu-percent=<percent_of_requested_CPU> |
Name |
Command |
Get service |
kubectl get service <service> |
Get service in yaml |
kubectl get service <service> -o yaml |
Get service wide information |
kubectl get service <service> -o wide |
Edit service |
kubectl edit service <service> |
Describe service |
kubectl describe service <service> |
Delete service |
kubectl delete service <service> |
Name |
Command |
Get endpoints |
kubectl get endpoints <endpoints_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get ingress |
kubectl get ingress |
Get ingress in yaml |
kubectl get ingress -o yaml |
Get ingress wide information |
kubectl get ingress -o wide |
Edit ingress |
kubectl edit ingress <ingress_name> |
Describe ingress |
kubectl describe ingress <ingress_name> |
Delete ingress |
kubectl delete ingress <ingress_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get daemonset |
kubectl get daemonset <daemonset_name> |
Get daemonset in yaml |
kubectl get daemonset <daemonset_name> -o yaml |
Edit daemonset |
kubectl edit daemonset <daemonset_name> |
Describe daemonset |
kubectl describe daemonset <daemonset_name> |
Delete daemonset |
kubectl delete deployment <daemonset_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get statefulset |
kubectl get statefulset <statefulset_name> |
Get statefulset in yaml |
kubectl get statefulset <statefulset_name> -o yaml |
Edit statefulset |
kubectl edit statefulset <statefulset_name> |
Describe statefulset |
kubectl describe statefulset <statefulset_name> |
Delete statefuleset |
kubectl delete statefulset <statefulset_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get configmap |
kubectl get configmap <configmap_name> |
Get configmap in yaml |
kubectl get configmap <configmap_name> -o yaml |
Edit configmap |
kubectl edit configmap <configmap_name> |
Describe configmap |
kubectl describe configmap <configmap_name> |
Delete configmap |
kubectl delete configmap <configmap_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get secret |
kubectl get secret <secret_name> |
Get secret in yaml |
kubectl get secret <secret_name> -o yaml |
Edit secret |
kubectl edit secret <secret_name> |
Describe secret |
kubectl describe secret <secret_name> |
Delete secret |
kubectl delete secret <secret_name> |
Name |
Command |
Restart deployment |
kubectl rollout restart deployment <deployment_name> |
Undo deployment with the latest revision |
kubectl rollout undo deployment <deployment_name> |
Undo deployment with specified revision |
kubectl rollout undo deployment <deployment_name> --to-revision <revision_number> |
Get all revisions of deployment |
kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment_name> |
Get specified revision of deployment |
kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment_name> --revision=<revision_number> |
Name |
Command |
Get job |
kubectl get job <job_name> |
Get job in yaml |
kubectl get job <job_name> -o yaml |
Edit job in yaml |
kubectl edit job <job_name> |
Describe job |
kubectl describe job <job_name> |
Delete job |
kubectl delete job <job_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get cronjob |
kubectl get cronjob cronjob_name |
Get cronjob in yaml |
kubectl get cronjob <cronjob_name> -o yaml |
Edit cronjob |
kubectl edit cronjob <cronjob_name> |
Describe cronjob |
kubectl describe cronjob <cronjob_name> |
Delete cronjob |
kubectl delete cronjob <cronjob_name> |
Name |
Command |
Get networkpolicy |
kubectl get networkpolicy <networkpolicy_name> |
Get networkpolicy in yaml |
kubectl get networkpolicy <networkpolicy_name> -o yaml |
Get networkpolicy wide information |
kubectl get networkpolicy <networkpolicy_name> -o wide |
Edit networkpolicy |
kubectl edit networkpolicy <networkpolicy_name> |
Describe networkpolicy |
kubectl describe networkpolicy <networkpolicy_name> |
Delete networkpolicy |
kubectl delete networkpolicy <networkpolicy_name> |
Persistence Volume Commands
Name |
Command |
Get persistence volume |
kubectl get pv <persistencevolume_name> |
Get persistence volume in yaml |
kubectl get pv <persistencevolume_name> -o yaml |
Edit persistence volume |
kubectl edit pv <persistencevolume_name> |
Describe persistence volume |
kubectl describe pv <persistencevolume_name> |
Delete persistence volume |
kubectl delete pv <persistencevolume_name> |
Persistence Volume Claim Commands
Name |
Command |
Get persistence volume claim |
kubectl get pvc <persistencevolume_claim_name> |
Get persistence volume claim in yaml |
kubectl get pvc <persistencevolume_claim_name> -o yaml |
Edit persistence volume claim |
kubectl edit pvc <persistencevolume_claim_name> |
Describe persistence volume claim |
kubectl describe pvc <persistencevolume_claim_name> |
Delete persistence volume claim |
kubectl delete pvc <persistencevolume_claim_name> |
Labels and Selectors Commands
Name |
Command |
Show labels of node,pod and deployment |
kubectl get <node/pod/deployment> --show-labels |
Attach labels to <node/pod/deployment> |
kubectl label <node/pod/deployment> <pod_name> <key>=<value> |
Remove labels from <node/pod/deployment> |
kubectl label <node/pod/deployment> <pod_name> <key> - |
Select node,pod and deployment by using labels |
kubectl get <node/pod/deployment> -l <key>=<value> |
Delete all resources by using labels |
kubectl delete all -l <key>=<value> |
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Commands
Name |
Command |
List current user privilleges with default namespace |
kubectl auth can-i --list |
List specified user privilleges with default namespace |
kubectl auth can-i --list --as <user/service_account> |
List current user privilleges with specified namespace |
kubectl auth can-i --list -n <namespace> |
List specified user privilleges with specified namespace |
kubectl auth can-i --list --as <user/service_account> -n <namespace> |
Verify if current user is able to do something with resource |
kubectl auth can-i <verb> <resource> |
Verify if specified user is able to do something with resource |
kubectl auth can-i <verb> <resource> --as <user/service_account> |
Create service account |
kubectl create serviceaccount <serviceaccount_name> |
Create role and define resource privilleges |
kubectl create role <role_name> --resource=<object> --verb=<verb> |
Create cluster role and define cluster resource privilleges |
kubectl create clusterrole <clusterrole_name> --resource=<object> --verb=<verb> |
Create role binding with service account |
kubectl create rolebinding <rolebinding_name> --role <role_name> --serviceaccount <serviceaccount_name> |
Create cluster role binding with service account |
kubectl create clusterrolebinding <clusterrolebinding_name> --clusterrole <clusterrole_name> --serviceaccount <serviceaccount_name> |
Create role binding with user |
kubectl create rolebinding <rolebinding_name> --role <role_name> --user <user_name> |
Create cluster role binding with user |
kubectl create clusterrolebinding <clusterrolebinding_name> --clusterrole <clusterrole_name> --user <user_name> |
Name |
Command |
Print the supported API resources on the Kubernetes API server |
kubectl api-resources |
Kubernetes Document: Link
Kubernetes Command: Link
Kubernetes API Reference: Link
Kubernetes CheatSheet Link