A react library to animate elements on scroll. It has integration with animate.css. Supports typescript and server side rendering
- 4
Unhandled Runtime Error TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'clientHeight')
#19 opened by mohamadyusuf19 - 4
No animation if element is in the view
#16 opened by Azteker - 1
TypeError hitting a lot of my users
#18 opened by 5starkarma - 9
Elements on load not animating
#13 opened by Sulley93 - 0
- 1
Put an anchor option
#12 opened by Sulley93 - 3
- 5
Doesn't work in Next.js
#9 opened by Nzent - 1
- 1
- 4
Unregistered dependency on prop-types
#5 opened by AndrewCEmil - 2
- 2
Animation after content update?
#3 opened by itsdwizzy - 1
Horizontal page
#2 opened by alekoisaev - 2
Usage with Nextjs
#1 opened by Anan7Codes