
Command line wrapper for healpy's mollview.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PyPI version Tests

mollview is a command line tool for plotting HEALPix maps from fits files.

mollview wraps healpy's hp.read_map to read the file and hp.mollview to plot. Most mollview keywords are supported (see the documentation for mollview for more information).


pip install mollview


The tool is used as following:

>>> mollview my_map.fits

or alternatively:

>>> python -m mollview my_map.fits

For a list of all available features, use the --help flag:

>>> mollview --help                           
Usage: mollview [OPTIONS] FILENAME

  Plots a HEALPix map from the commandline given a fits file.

  FILENAME  Name of HEALPIX fits file  [required]

  --field INTEGER                 Column to read. 0 is I, 1 is Q, and 2 is U
                                  [default: 0]
  --min FLOAT                     Minimum value
  --max FLOAT                     Maximum value
  --norm TEXT                     Normalization method
  --cmap TEXT                     Color map
  --unit TEXT                     Unit
  --title TEXT                    Title
  --save / --no-save              Save the figure  [default: no-save]
  --coord <TEXT TEXT>...          Coordinate system  [default: None, None]
  --cbar / --no-cbar              Show color bar  [default: cbar]
  --notext / --no-notext          Do not show text  [default: no-notext]
  --xsize INTEGER                 Size of the figure  [default: 800]
  --nest / --no-nest              Use NESTED pixel ordering  [default: no-
  --remove-dip / --no-remove-dip  Remove the dipole  [default: no-remove-dip]
  --gal-cut FLOAT                 Symmetric galactic cut for the
                                  dipole/monopole fit. Removes points in
                                  latitude range [-gal_cut, +gal_cut]
  --remove-mono / --no-remove-mono
                                  Remove the monopole  [default: no-remove-
  --badcolor TEXT                 Color of bad pixels  [default: gray]
  --help                          Show this message and exit