- 0
Nodes do not synchronize finalized data
#49 opened by COLUD4 - 4
L2geth panic
#48 opened by artjoma - 1
New "metisdao" images problematic
#47 opened by letsbangout - 3
l2geth errors, does not sync
#46 opened by letsbangout - 5
- 8
L1 DTL crashes with message: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'from')"
#36 opened by northwestnodes-eric - 1
Blocks is not iterable
#44 opened by northwestnodes-eric - 4
no contract code at given address
#43 opened by dg123lzk - 1
`missing trie node:leveldb: not found`and `panic: Refund counter below zero (gas: 15000 > refund: 8400)`
#42 opened by XWJACK - 3
- 20
ndoe stop sync
#37 opened by YuXiaoCoder - 1
Can't launch DTL
#41 opened by yzhou61 - 1
`GCMODE=archive` is mandatory for fresh sync
#39 opened by yorickdowne - 2
After fresh sync finished, get `handler blocksBeforeInsert get equeue err LOG15_ERROR= LOG15_ERROR="Normalized odd number of arguments by adding nil"`
#40 opened by yorickdowne - 2
- 9
node stop sync
#34 opened by c1989415123 - 4
sync failed "insufficient balance for transfer"
#32 opened by XWJACK - 1
Block 3250872: insufficient balance for transfer
#31 opened by susuper - 1
L2geth sources
#30 opened by susuper - 2
- 1
- 9
Error: could not detect network
#27 opened by Percronos - 8
- 9
Node Synchronization for Andromeda Metis Stuck at Block 2754001-2755001
#25 opened by OdysseusTheKing - 3
DTL <> L2geth integration
#24 opened by artjoma - 1
Metis l2geth sync fails
#23 opened by Zorato - 1
- 10
- 3
How to config goerli testnet
#19 opened by tracyzhang1998 - 0
Metis goerli testnet
#18 opened by ericlee42 - 8
Cannot connect to upstream service
#17 opened by avinava-mycelium - 0
If your node stops at 3250873, please delete all of data and sync from scratch
#16 opened by ericlee42 - 6
unable to start up l2geth
#14 opened by punk5558 - 1
Could not resolve host:
#15 opened by barryz - 1
Change docker image tags
#13 opened by vlads123 - 1
mvm version in docker
#11 opened by macrocan - 0
TODO: exchange and wallet integration guide
#4 opened by ericlee42 - 2
- 2
Public Rpc websocket is not working
#9 opened by abhishekhg - 4
- 1
l2eth reporting block 0
#6 opened by paymog - 0
TODO: supports `eth_sendRawTransaction`
#2 opened by ericlee42 - 3
Cannot send raw transaction
#1 opened by daichuanliang