K.O.T.H Scripts!

@Author : M3tr1c_r00t

 _  __  ____ _______ _    _  _____           _       _       
| |/ / / __ \__   __| |  | |/ ____|         (_)     | |      
| ' / | |  | | | |  | |__| | (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ 
|  <  | |  | | | |  |  __  |\___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __/ __|
| . \ | |__| | | | _| |  | |____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_\__ \
|_|\_(_)____(_)|_|(_)_|  |_|_____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|___/
                                              | |            

Check out my K.O.T.H Scripts for THM's King of the hill competitiions :)

1. Protect.sh bash Script...

Make sure to have a chattr binary all ready so that you can transfer it from your local machine to the remote machine...
Open a python server before running the scipt on the remote machine

python3 -m http.server IP 

Make sure to edit the bash protect.sh script to avoid any issues i.e add your ip and port & also the name of your chattr binary location...
The script is a bit dirty so before running it, make sure you have another shell opened up so that you still have access to the machine

2. Kill.sh

This is a bash script to kill other player's shells
Just run the shell, if there are any tty shells available, it will show.
It will ask for how many shells to kill.
If any, type in the number of shells that are displayed on your screen.
Next, enter the pts number.
Enter the numbers until you finish the number of shells you entered and the script will end .

My socials:

@ twitter: https://twitter.com/M3tr1c_root
@ instagram: https://instagram.com/m3tr1c_r00t/